<p>Now I want this to mean they're interested. I'm just wondering if which side they're likely leaning towards. Do they want that additional information to push me into the accepted or rejected pile?</p>
<p>You can refer to my other thread for more info on me.</p>
<p>I skimmed through the old thread. My guess is they’re borderline on you right now. I would definitely send in a report, especially if it’s good. Denying them the report will only make them wary on what you’re hiding, so definitely comply with their request.</p>
<p>Good luck! I didn’t even realize that colleges did this… I should proooobably get rid of the senioritis. haha</p>
<p>oh yeah
They actually contacted my counselor and she is sending one in. I’m actually not even supposed to know which college, but one of my teachers accidentally revealed it.
I had very bad first semester grades and there were definitely some circumstances surrounding those. But I’m only like 2 weeks into 3rd quarter. I’m doing much better in all classes except for one. I wonder what my chances are now. Before this, they told me reach.</p>
<p>Ah, okay. For the only class you’re doing worse in, is it significantly worse or just slightly? At least a B or?</p>
<p>It is slightly worse, but my mid semester grades had several Cs and Bs</p>
<p>If you have mostly A’s for second semester so far, I’d say it’s in your favor
Not for sure, obviously, but definitely a +.</p>
<p>U mean 3rd quarter right?
And they’re probably not As, but a lot better than before. Probably A-, A-, B+, unavailable, and this one is still bad (D+), which I really hope won’t be the deciding factor. Gahhh</p>
<p>I mean it I really hard not to overlook that d+ (in multi/linear). This teacher is very inflexible and has a very odd grading system. Homework and participation together are 50% of the grade and I tend to be late on homeworks (and in this class, that means no credit).
I hope I’m not ruinedd</p>
<p>And right now, I should be studying for a big test tomorrow, but this U Chicago thing is the best thing to happen to me in a while. Everybody was saying I wouldn’t get in anywhere</p>
<p>The “ask a u Chicago admissions counselor thread” counselor said Chicago doesn’t do this, yet they are doin it</p>
<p>I got a very similar email today. My first semester grades were in fitting with previous years however. Here’s hoping it’s a good sign…</p>
also strange how my counselor received the email instead of me and that I’m not even supposed to know the school
did they ask for grades specifically?
I actually don’t know what my email said bc I never received it</p>
<p>That also is a very interesting username u got there. Do I know you?</p>
<p>Anyone else have same experience ?</p>
<p>I’ve heard of this… Although it hasn’t happened to me. From my impression, they want to ensure that you’re not just slacking because it’s your senior year. Great job on the improvement! :)</p>
<p>Thxx my grade in ap physics I got to an A</p>