U of A or out of state?

<p>My daughter is accepted to U. of A. with a nice scholarship, which we are very happy about. She also has a desire to go out of state but probably to a state college in Colorado or California. I know many students come to U. of A. from out of state, so is there really no advantage to going out of state compared to U. of A.? Just would like to hear from students that can compare U. of A. to these other state schools. Thanks!</p>

<p>She should go to U of A, U of A compared to other state schools is great. Especially since she has a scholarship.</p>

<p>thanks asu hopeful! I figured there's enough diversity from other states at U. of A. to still feel as if one is "away" for college. But ideally it is nice to go to a new location and really be away from home. But hardly worth the cost difference.</p>

<p>slm, you're so lucky your state universities offer scholarships to instate students. Our offer practically zero merit scholarships. So as a result of that, our D is looking at Arizona, because they offer excellent scholarships to OOS students as well. </p>

<p>Arizona is a pretty popular destination for Washington students.</p>

<p>That is another plus, that students from many other states attend U. of A. I guess the weather is a big pull for them as well. I'm surprised to learn that Washington doesn't offer merit scholarships for their in-state students. How do you think the U. of Washington compares with the U. of Arizona academically and in general?</p>

<p>Hmm, my Arizona-born husband thinks they are roughly equal. I think the UW might rate a little higher. Washington does give a very few merit only scholarships but they are very competitive and most of their scholarships are merit plus...community service or demonstrated need or whatever. Most of their money is targeted towards the Husky Promise, which is completely need-based, and promised to meet full need. Which is kind of stupid because the UW is very affordable if you live at home</p>

<p>I know UW is rated higher. But when it comes down to public universities and one has a scholarship, I can't justify the extra money for a higher ranking. I would like her to experience going away and living somewhere different, but struggle with the price tag of $80,000 difference. Seems crazy!</p>

<p>My daughter is leaning heavily towards Arizona right now. She qualifies for a full tuition scholarship, which is the only reason we can afford it. She would prefer a school either here in Washington or California, but no scholarships here or there. You're right, there's no justifying that extra expense unless you really, really want to impress your neighbors.</p>

<p>The grass is always greener,people from other ststes would love to go to Uof A for in stste money.</p>