U of Illinois IS vs. U of Michigan OOS (engineering)

While Im proabably going to choose U of Illinois, I want some outside opinions. I definitely like U of Michigan a lot more the U of I and there is no doubt it is the better school for engineering and in general, however I dont know if U of M is worth the high OOS cost. Is there any justification for chooseing U of M? Especially considering I have such a good in state engineering school in U of I.

For some background Im going to major in Mechanical Engineering and I have around $125,000 saved for college.

Both are amazing at mechanical engineering - save the cost and go to UofI. If your parents can afford UofM and you like it better than go there - but otherwise it isn’t worth the price difference.

It’s ridiculous to just blow thru a college fund just because it’s there. You’re not going to see some amazing difference between the two schools’ eng’g programs…certainly not enough to justify spending an additional 100k (UMich is more expensive for junior and senior years.)

What is going on? Two recent threads from IL instate kids thinking that OOS UMich is so much better than UIUC for eng’g.

The only justification is a better alumni network and better sports. It is not worth spending the extra $150,000+ on these.

People are desperate to leave Illinois.




“The only justification is a better alumni network and better sports. It is not worth spending the extra $150,000+ on these.”

Really? Do you honestly believe those are the only two reasons why over 1500 Illinois residents chose Michigan over their instate flagship?

For engineering, yes.

So nothing about Q of L issues? I suppose where you live four years doesn’t really matter at all to you.

I have around $125,000 saved for college.

The cost to attend UMich OOS for 4 years (hopefully can graduate in 4), would be about $250k. If the additional $125k will happily be paid by mom and dad (and they would hardly miss the money), then super! Enjoy AA.

But, if that money would come from loans or parents short-changing their retirement funds, then it’s not wise to spend $100k just for a better environment for just 4 years when UC isn’t some hell-hole. It’s not as if the QofL in UC is like a 3rd world country.

Unless a school’s area is bad, I think the area’s QofL offerings can be a bit over-rated. Engineering is time-demanding. Much time will be spent on campus and in labs. My Univ is located very close to the beach, but I never once went during the school year.

Millions of kids attend their state’s non-flagships, and they’re often in unexciting, but okay places. Would it wise for them to borrow $125k to be in more sporty surroundings?? Or maybe to get some slightly better eng’g program or alumni group?


Really? Do you honestly believe those are the only two reasons why over 1500 Illinois residents chose Michigan over their instate flagship?

There may be a number of reasons that 1000+ students chose UMich (or another state’s flagship). Some are die-hard Mich fans. Some are kids of alums. Some kids never want to go to their own instate schools.

Hopefully, they’re not borrowing $150k-250k to go there. Some kids have GI Bills and they’re going there for nearly free. Some may qualify for enough need-based aid that it’s similar or cheaper than UIUC (UIUC gives lousy aid, UMich can be generous to OOS modest incomes). Some may be affluent or have handsome college funds. Some may be taking on crazy debt.

Again, if the OP’s parents will happily augment the college fund with an add’l $125k (or even $100k and the student borrows the rest), then super…go wherever he want.

UIUC will just about consume your $125K budget. Even as a 4th generation Michigan family I’d recommend sticking with UIUC for engineering unless your family has an excess of disposable income. That being said, Michigan does provide generous financial aid even for OOS students, so I would run the NPC to see what the actual costs are before making any decisions.

Mom: Please point out to the CC community where you read that two different posters state that Michigan is “so much better” than UIUC for engineering. Also QofL issues most certainly do matter, particularly when one is paying a large premium to attend another school.

Don’t be silly. They didn’t necessarily use those words. However, their consideration that spending an additional $100K+ over UIUC implies that they think UMich would be so much better.

We’re not talking an additional few thousand per year for a better atmosphere.

Heck, if someone can save $100k+ by going to a VERY GOOD undergrad (UIUC), then spend $10k and do a fabulous study abroad, or do a semester exchange at another US college.

And, again, if the parents won’t miss that extra $100k+, then super…AA all the way.

@Grecko I think you got excellent advice in post #7.

My daughter, who is graduating this year from UIUC (business, not engineering), really wanted to go to school in the Chicago area. If Northwestern had been approximately the same cost as U of I, she would have chosen to go there. However, her practical side prevailed

Four years later she is extremely happy with her choice. From an academic standpoint, she is exactly where she wants to be with a full-time offer from one of the Big 3 Consulting firms. From a social standpoint, she’s made fabulous friends…many, who will also be in the Chicago area after graduation.

In our family we jokingly refer to ‘going back to U of I’ as ‘returning to the college bubble’. Both my son and daughter have immersed themselves on campus. Urbana-Champaign is what you make of it. If you focus on, it’s ‘in the middle of cornfields’ and wallow in its shortcomings, you can make yourself miserable. If you view the 4 years as a relatively short time to prepare for the future you envision, you will be active and not passive, in your pursuits.

I don’t know you, what you value or how you view your future. However, if you are feeling ambivalent about U of I, I suggest you visit campus and shadow a current student. http://engineering.illinois.edu/admissions/visit-campus/

Since you said you will probably attend, I would do everything in your power to get over your reluctance and embrace the school for what it does offer. If you focus on the negatives…and let’s be honest, every school has its pros and cons…you set yourself up for an unhappy experience.

I hope you end up like my daughter…extremely happy with her UIUC experience. She has made friends from a lot of other schools through her two summer internships and a semester abroad, and realizes now that U of I was the best choice. Good luck to you!

Thanks for all the advice, this has been a big help!