U of Miami VS UCLA

<p>I’ve gotten into both and I’m still uncertain where I should go. Can anyone enlighten me?</p>

<li>I’m probably going to study biology (though that can be subject to change)</li>
<li>I’ve got a $24,000 scholarship for UM yearly</li>


<p>Where are you from and what are you looking for in a school?</p>

<p>I'm an International student (currently in Shanghai now).
To tell the truth I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for in college. </p>

<p>As of now just a great environment, where I could pursue my interests (biology), meet different ppl, etc.. So it's not very clearcut.</p>

<p>If you want a more international environment, then UM is your best bet. It is very diverse and has many International students. UCLA is going to have mostly CA residents. Both are great schools in exciting cities with excellent reputations. UCLA is about twice the size of UM, so you may want to consider what size school you're more comfortable with.</p>

<p>UCLA is ranked higher, but disregard that.</p>

<p>At UM they've got a huge international population, you can meet a ton of people from all over the country and world, still get a good education, and party in South Beach whenever you'd like. Miami is a great city with alot to do and UMiami is a great school. UCLA is more CA residents but its still nice. Its all gonna come down to personal preference, I would go with UM.</p>

<p>University of Miami is my number 1 choice and I live in California, so I'll post my opinion.</p>

<p>Honestly they are very similar schools. I personally don't have the grades for UCLA, so I'm not even thinking about going there, but even if I did I would choose Miami. </p>

<p>The schools are basically the same in everything. Location (LA and Miami are pretty similar), weather, both have great campuses, hot students, great athletics, and strong connections. While UCLA is no doubt better academically, Miami's atmosphere seems to be better than UCLA's. I can't really describe it, but I just see myself more at Miami.</p>

<p>You seriously can't go wrong with this decision, so just pick one and be done. Would you rather live in California or Florida?</p>

<p>Academically UCLA has the edge. However Miami is still a top school its in the top 50 tio national universities (USNWR). Miami is a really nice city imo. its very cosmopolitan and urban with lots to do. another advantage is that although ur in a big city, the campus is located in the quaint, laid back, most affluent neighborhood of Miami, coral gables-coconut grove. UM has a lot of sports if ur into that and a really nice campus. Although the "nice Campus" has its uniqueness. unlike many other school, UM's campus isnt the traditional birck college look (if ya know wat i mean). Its looks more like a resort but with the size of a big university.
Another thing: UM wont allow cars for freshman starting in the year 2008-2009. so if ur starting that year, u might wanna take that into consideration.</p>

<p>Heres my final verdict: If u got a full ride or something liek that to UCLA, thne definately go there. however if UM gave u more money and is ultimately cheaper, then go there. There both so similar that just go with the better monetary deal imo. academically they arent that far apart.</p>