UA Engineering GPAs

In reading an earlier thread about UAs Engineering program I saw Aeromom’s post about graduation this past May and how an incredible # of students graduated with Latin Honors. That got me thinking :slight_smile:

Does anyone know of either actual statistics, or even anecdotally, if the GPAs tend to go up for Engineers during the 4 years? I am particularly interested in AEM majors.

@TV4caster, maybe @aeromom can provide more information about aero majors, but I don’t think anybody’s ever found a definitive source for this type of thing. There’s a lot of deduction involved in trying to come up with an answer.

This isn’t related to aero, per se, and it’s a very small sample size, but one clue that, in general, engineering GPAs go up over the years are the stats reported for Theta Tau, the engineering fraternity, in the report submitted to the university for all Greek organizations. New members had a GPA of 2.86, while the overall GPA for active members of the fraternity was 3.03, so obviously the upperclassmen came in with higher GPAs that semester. (I’m assuming that semester’s GPAs were pretty typical, but I didn’t look at other semesters.)

Of course, as students struggling with engineering (of which aero is one for the most challenging majors) switch out of the college, the overall GPA is going to go up because of the elimination of students with lower GPAs dragging it down.

For Semester Spring 2016

All Greek Average: 3.29
All UGC Average: 3.26
All Undergraduate Average: 3.16

Theta Tau

GPA - 2.99
Total Members - 96
Active Member GPA - 3.03
Total Active Members - 77
**New Member GPA - 2.86 **
Total New Members - 19