UA Engineering rank - why so low?

<p>We’re “comparing” them because OP asked for advice. Looking at all 200 pages of your 930 posts, I see you have an opinion for just about every school in the nation…and you are entitled to those opinions, sure. But unless you are a parent of either a USC or a UA student…or a student of either of these schools…I believe actual UA parents here on CC are more than qualified to give advice on this student’s choice, and would disagree with your conclusion about superiority.</p>

<p>That’s right, we are discussing these 2 schools because it just so happens that DS will be going to one or the other and he has to decide soon.</p>

<p>We appreciate all your insights. When we visited in Jan, we were very impressed with AL and it is a good fit. DS already has a room assignment in Ridgecrest South with a high school classmate + 2 other boys they met on the FB page (they know there is a chance he will pull out). On the other hand, he has worked hard to get into USC and that is a good fit too! Ugh. </p>

<p>I’ll keep you all updated, the deadline is pretty close now… Thanks again!</p>

<p>I don’t know if this will help, happytraveller, but USC was my son’s dream school. He too worked hard for his acceptance and Presidential Scholarship there and we faced the same dilemmma regarding rankings and so-called prestige vs UA, albeit with respect to the two universities’ business schools, not engineering.</p>

<p>Three years later he and we have no regrets about choosing Bama. The education my son has received has been excellent; his overall experience fantastic. I’m not saying Bama’s the right school for your son, but it seems you won’t go wrong either way. Best of luck with your decision.</p>

<p>He just announced his decision: He’s going to Bama :)</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>Welcome. :)</p>

<p>YAY! Roll Tide, happytraveller and happytravellerson - </p>

<p>Welcome to you both. :)</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!! Thanks for all your support & advice.</p>

<p>Now to get sorted for orientation, and to make some happy travelling plans. Very exciting. </p>

<p>(And I believe that makes 15 posts…)</p>

<p>Roll Tide! If my D’s experience at Bama is any indication, there will be no regrets.</p>

<p>I was thinkin’ the same thing: no regrets! Welcome to UA!</p>

<p>Another student from Wisconsin - yeah! Welcome and roll tide!</p>

<p>Congrats and welcome!</p>

<p>Glad to hear this news! Happy for happytraveler and happy traveler son that the decision is made and now planning can begin. And thus another UA adventure begins…</p>



<p>Nice job. Unfortunately, I don’t have time like you to go thorough hundreds of pages and post personal attack like this “I believe actual UA parents here on CC are more than qualified”. I will try to post one sometime later. </p>

<p>P.S : I didn’t say I was more qualified and you are not the one to determine that.</p>

<p>To OP: Great choice. I hope he enjoys the 4 years experience there.</p>

<p>Aeromom didn’t write a “personal attack.” As for having the time to look at past posts, since you do have time to ■■■■■ thru forums for which you have no interest or connection, then you really do have the time.</p>

<p>Keep em attacks coming…</p>

<p>Oh no you didn’t…</p>

<p>I speak for hundreds, maybe thousands, of CC members who are eternally grateful for those 50 ■■■■■ posts a day.</p>

<p>Let’s try and play nice, and let bygone be bygones!</p>

<p>Everyone is welcome to chime in with their opinion and to post as many times as they want!</p>

<p>From the mother of a current USC Viterbi student and a future (Class of 2018 but she is already mentally committed) UA student, Roll Tide, happytraveller!</p>