UA Ranking #20 on Rate My Professors' List of Top 25 Universities 2012-2013 - here is the link http

<p>Haven’t seen info on this. Maybe someone can actually download the rating list.</p>

<p>According to the article, mtvU acquired the Rate My Professor website in 2007.</p>

<p>I clipped the article out of The Crimson White (Oct 2, 2013) and had it with my college info. </p>

<p>Since some of the other UA threads had some speculative comments about ‘quality level of instruction’. </p>

<p>Somehow the computer did a send before I finished the message. <a href=“”></a> then click on highest rated and top schools. Duke was ranked #1. </p>

<p>mtvU Jake Urbanski MTV communications manager said the mtvU site was built for college students by college students.</p>

<p>A criminal justice instructor (Douglas Klutz was interviewed for the Crimson White article. He said the feedback, along with Student Opinion of Instruction (SOI) forms provided by the University is useful for helping him make teaching adjustments. (it doesn’t hurt that he was rated as “hot” lol). Klutz said an administrative emphasis on student-centered objectives and the SOI feeback my explain the ranking.</p>

<p>Another piece of info for prospective parents and students.</p>

<p>Best overall student experience (see #5)</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks albiongirl - I did not spend any time looking over the RMP web site, but I can appreciate the student views. </p>

<p>Parents are equally excited about these schools because their students will do better where they are happy and challenged.</p>

<p>I love the high rankings too of TAMU and UW-M on the overall experience (niece is currently at UW, I got a degree at TAMU).</p>

<p>I know a lot of CC posters here have used the website. It can a good starting place for gathering info about a specific professor. IMO, however, It should NOT be considered a definitive source, by any stretch, due to both the small sample sizes of responses and the fact that disgruntled students are more likely to vent on that website about a particular university, class, or professor. (In general, you are 9x more likely to tell someone about a bad experience than you are about a good one.) If you want to contribute to the body of data about UA, encourage your own student(s) to post ratings for each of their classes at UA after every semester. </p>

<p>It seems that students will post when they have strong feelings positive or negative as was noted in the Crimson White article. One student said they might be more open in their RMP review. Of course sample size is important.</p>

<p>Perhaps students that like their school will post more on the positive experiences.</p>