Ubama (University of Alabama) racist?

Hi everyone, I have heard that U Alabama does not have a good rep when it comes to racism. is it true? are the students there hostile towards Indians???

Title edited for clarity, although I imagine the forum in which it resides gave it away - FC

that is a broad statement! I would say 99.99% of students could care less who you are or where your family is from.

Here we go again.

As with probably most/all schools, 99% of students don’t care what you are.

I hope you realize that there are racist incidents that happen on every campus, even the most so-called progressive ones.

I doubt that you’d encounter anything.

Most ‘racist’ incidents are made up to ‘start a conversation’.

It is ironic that so many people who obsess about racism at UA have no problem stereotyping the South and collectively judging the people of the South?

To OP … from what my son (a soph.) tells me, I cannot imagine you would have any issues there. Lots of students there representing many various races of course. Roll Tide!

Most of the publicized racism scandals seem to be related to the fraternities and sororities and things that they influence (homecoming queen, student government elections). However, a high degree of racial segregation in fraternities and (especially) sororities is common and certainly not unique to Alabama.

Thanks all. Well, honestly, I have heard many incidents taking place, but was not quite sure. So, just wanted your opinions.

@skspartan, questions like yours are the reason I started this thread: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1808064-will-you-fit-in-at-the-university-of-alabama.html#latest

Also, if you asked people what they thought of “ubama” I’m guessing they had NO IDEA what you were asking about.

And check out this thread too: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1812963-minorities-at-ua-please-give-input.html

Seriously, try the search engines before starting a new thread.

Just for the record, and to follow up on Lucie’s point, the school is:
The University of Alabama
The Capstone
The University

I wouldn’t call it:

Visit and see what you think!

If one went looking for racism at ANY college campus, they will find it. Not just at The University of Alabam but at every school in the country as well as international schools towards outsiders.

If the OP is phishing or such, your posts on the general CC board asking this question is just looking for trouble, or in your case, looking for a reason to not visit UA.

You honestly could ask that question about every single college in this country as they have all and will all experience some form of racism all the way up to the end of time.

Posts: 65
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Today at 4:48 am in India
Anyone out there at university of Alabama? now I’ve heard the students out there are really hostile towards minorities. is it true???”

@skspartan Really…is that the ONLY question you want to ask about this prospective university?

Aren’t you more concerned with the scholarships, the statistics of the students, the quality of the education, the student to professor ratio, the Honors College, the acceptance rate, the programs, the majors, the sports, the clubs, the housing, or the weather.

THAT as your first question on this forum and using the word “hostile” could be viewed as rude.

Have you ever been to the United States, or visited any US colleges?

@robotbldmom the one university I am really really interested in is Bama. So obviously I am not trying to be rude here. My only concern was bcos I had heard many things about bama, and being an international student, my parents are obviously concerned about certain things other than just a good education. No offence!

What are the “many things” you’ve heard about UA? From the CC boards, you’ll hear about the wonderful, friendly people at the school, the very generous scholarships, the beautiful campus and the fantastic facilities, the tremendous school spirit, etc. Occasionally, people will post things about the misbehavior of some individuals at the university, just like those which occur at every college. So who are you going to believe? People who have been to UA, send their kids to UA, the students who go to UA, or people who never have stepped foot on campus or in the state of Alabama?

Having “heard” about racism should have no affect on your decision regarding UA. Unless these comments are from current or recentl alumnus you personally know, it is just a rumor.
Google ISAT, Indian Student Association of Tuscaloosa, there is a place to connect with current students for prospective students.
Good luck and Roll Tide!

UA has three times the African-American enrollment % of U Michigan. Minority employment opportunities are far better in the State of Alabama than in Michigan’s inner cities or Southside Chicago. Mutiracial fans cheerr on multiracial Alabama sports teams. African-Americans are reversing the Great Migration and moving back south in large numbers.

As other posters point out, you can find racism at every college. And there will always be students, white, black, and brown, who interpret every interaction between the races as grounded in racism, thereby revealing much more about themselves than about the alleged bias.

And it is worth noting that there are exactly two Asian (Indian)-American governors in the United States and they are both in the South: Nikki Haley of South Carolina and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana.

While yes, individual racists do exist at UA as they do ANY OTHER COLLEGE, the overall environment is not racist. A lot of the stuff one sees in the news is largely overhyped, especially the stuff about the Greek system. I think a good chunk of that is written by alumni with who had a bad experience with the Greek System during their attendance and now have a bone to pick.

I haven’t seen any pieces in the Huff Post or other media by alumni that call out UA for racism. More like one current student who most likely has been contaminated by critical race theory. The latter makes people think that every single problem in the Black community can be traced to White racism.

UA keeps drawing large numbers (relative to other schools) of Black students. Black enrollment % is down at Auburn, FSU, UF, and other major schools, but not UA. If it was so “racist” at UA, would so many young Blacks be going there?