UC Activties section

Over the summer, I colloborated on a research project with three other people that was submitted for publication. I was wondering if I should put this under educational preparation activities or extracurricular activities? Whats the main difference between the two? Thanks!

Education prep would be on-line courses not a-g specific such as Coursera or Language Emersion programs. I would put the research under EC’s.

Hi, theres actually a section called “courses other than A-G”. What would be the difference between the two? Thanks!

A on-line computer course or Language emersion could be considered a non a-g course, but for the non a-g section it may put a community college course You took for personal enrichment like Woodworking, Automotive repair or something like ROTC.

Some classes that you take in HS that are not a-g that might be useful, you would put there. Robotics or Cybersecurity, which are classes taught at my kid’s HS which quite a few kids take, would fall into this category.