I read on the UC site that two years of a consecutive foreign language are required for admittance. However, I took two years in middle school and took Spanish 5-6 during my freshman year. I am now a junior with a 4.4 weighted GPA. I have forgotten most of my Spanish so I don’t think I can just jump back into Spanish 7-8. I do not want my hard work to be in vain due to a simple requirement. Please tell me if colleges will care or not. Thank you!
I’m almost certain you are okay
Your middle school credit should count
Muchas Gracias
Better to err on the side of caution. Take a language class if you still can. I want to say “You’ll be fine – don’t worry”, but my gut feeling is that UCs won’t know that you took those classes since they only look up to your 9th grade report card. (Though 9th grade grades are not counted to your GPA)
I’m also a junior and plan on applying to UCs next year. I’ve had foreign language classes every semester of every year so far, and as much as I HATE it, I’ll probably end up taking it for all four years even though it’s not “required”.
I can’t say for sure but on the application UCs actually ask about if you took any language in 7th and 8th grade. Your safest bet is just to call and ask.