Foreign language requirement for UC schools

I know that UCs require a minimum of two years of the same foreign language. I went to a kind of advanced middle school, so in high school, the only language class I’ve taken is Spanish 5-6. At my school, that is the third level of spanish (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, and then AP Spanish). The middle school I went to was a charter school located in another state and I don’t think the credits will transfer to my high school. So I guess I’m asking, does the UC two year requirement mean two physical years of learning, or just mastery of the second year of material. Also, if I were to take the subject SAT test for spanish and get a certain score, would that complete the entire requirement? Other than this language thing, I’m a pretty good student, 4.3 GPA, and 1550 SAT score and I’m really worried that this tiny, technical issue could make me not UC-eligible.

If you have taken up the Level 3 Spanish, you have completed the requirement. UC’s only require 2 years but recommend 3. It is the level you reach during HS, not the # of years. No reason to take the subject test unless you are applying to schools that require them or recommend them for your intended major.

UC specifies that third year high school foreign language validates the first and second years. So if your only foreign language is high school year 3 with C or higher grades, you have fulfilled the UC requirement and recommendation for it for frosh admission.

Note that graduation requirements at UCs may specify a higher level.