UC App Personal Insight Q's: Is it a good idea to write about my interest in fashion?

“Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side.”

This is one of the prompts for the personal insight portion of the UC application. I know I’ll definitely do the prompt on creativity, because I’ve always found myself to be a creative person. I want to say that I express my creative side through fashion, because I really do. I already wrote my first draft, but now I’m feeling reluctant about it because there seems to always be stigma on fashion (especially the industry) and how it’s superficial. Plus, I’m not sure if my answer has to relate to my possible career field (which has nothing to do with fashion). All in all, what do you think about including fashion in my answer to this prompt, and what are some tips to make it relevant to the college application?

I feel like it might send the wrong message

Wait does it relate to you major?

@SirKhazatsky No, like I said, my possible career field and major won’t deal with fashion. I want to be in the medical field. But at the same time, I feel like I can write a lot about fashion for this prompt because it’s one of those side interests that allow me to be creative and express myself. But if you feel that it might send the wrong message, what do you suggest instead of fashion for this prompt?

my bad overlooked that. Do you have any other topics you could passionately write about?

@SirKhazatsky No problem :slight_smile: Well, I do like art in general, but I feel like it may be too broad. I also like poetry, dance, and have been playing the piano for several years. Since the prompt deals with creativity, do you think I should opt for something that deals with the arts, or something more general like creative thinking/problem solving? I just don’t want to choose a “wrong” topic that does not seem relevant or set a strong impression on the college application.

Piano sounds interesting!

If the reason you feel that fashion helps you express your creativity is because you create your own fashion, design & make your own clothes, stuff like that…then yes, go ahead and write about it as an answer to this particular essay prompt.

However, what you don’t want to end up doing is basically write about how much you love to shop, try on clothes, try different hairstyles, paint your nails, etc…because that will come across as very 7th grade and kind of lame.

@tucsonmom Okay, thanks for your input! I do fashion sketches and the like just for fun and as a hobby, but I think I’ll choose another topic for this prompt just to stay safe and relevant within the application.

I don’t see any problem at all with fashion as the topic. Especially if your other are more serious topics.

Fashion sounds way more interesting to read about than piano. Piano is really common to write about. I think fashion will showcase your personality well. And notice how it was just one person telling you not to write about fashion. Don’t let that deter you.

@VickiSoCal @dsi411 Thank you again for the input! So I guess there is hope that I might focus on fashion for the prompt then :slight_smile: But to stay away from the “7th grade” appeal the other user was talking about, do you have any tips on crafting my response to make it profound?