Uc app server?

<p>I’m sort of in. I’m waiting for one screen to send my data, and waiting for a second screen to open.</p>

<p>fine send it and waste $60 per app. UC never has empty space</p>

<p>This is so frustrating qq</p>

<p>it takes forever for the credit card screen too.</p>

<p>We should send emails to ask for extension because the server breakdown is not our fault.</p>

<p>Since this has happened for years, it should get higher awareness.</p>

<p>I find this contact information on UC website.</p>

<p>President Mark G. Yudof
<a href=“mailto:president@ucop.edu”>president@ucop.edu</a> </p>

<p>Let’s send emails!!!</p>

<p>That number isn’t working on my cell phone or lan line. =(
Hopefully you are right and we do not get a penalty.
If you aren’t well, looks like a few of us just got royal ****ed. I’m suppose to be a shoo-in as a transfer for UCB and LA, and I already have a guarrenty to SD.</p>

<p>I’m going to end up at Davis. Yay? =(</p>

<p>i called the number, left a voicemail, sent 2 emails. No response. This blows.</p>

<p>**My counselor sent this email around 2 today, I think you guys will find it relieving.
“Application Filing Period Ends Tonight
The priority filing period for applications for fall 2010 ends tonight at 11:59 p.m. Applicants who have started an application by that time will have until 11:59 p.m. tomorrow to submit. If applicants need assistance, they can contact the help desk: (800) 914-8820 (in California) or (925) 808-2150 (outside California). The help desk will be open from 1 p.m.-midnight today and tomorrow.”
My advice is to try again around 1-5 am when no one’s around. **</p>

<p>I saw this post earlier, does anyone want to confirm?</p>

<p>i called the tech support line too, and a (very snarky) guy on the other end said we have until 11:59 pm tomorrow as a “grace period”. Does this grace period thing mean we’ll be considered with the rest of the priority apps, or no?</p>

<p>i already sent 1 to <a href=“mailto:helpdesk@ucop.edu”>helpdesk@ucop.edu</a> lets all send 1</p>

<p>Oh my…the drama…glad i submitted early 0_o</p>

<p>wow what a buncha SLACKERS.</p>

<p>really princesslesa? we really get an extra day?</p>

<p>fringebenefits that is true. it is priority filing period. people still have a day to submit, although it’s only if there’s space left. that’s what the admissions person told me.</p>

<p>Councelors and tech support can say anything they want. It doesn’t mean anything until we get our acceptances.</p>

<p>I’m not going to get any sleep tonight; <em>mumble</em> have to stay up pressing f5 nonstop <em>grumble</em></p>

<p>If the grace period is really for “room” consideration, then they might as well not have a grace period. If they don’t give a true extension, then **** them</p>

<p>Don’t give up! Mine just went in!!!</p>

<p>pennelini, i have no idea. maybe the guy was being sarcastic o___o try calling again and ask what he meant x]</p>

<p>why didnt you ask, pennelini…</p>