UC application, where do I put unpaid internships?

<p>Hi, I know there are loads of application question threads out here so I’ll try to make this quick!</p>

<p>I took an unpaid summer internship at a place I also volunteer year-round at. I’m pretty sure my volunteer experience goes in the “Community Service” section, but what about my internship? Do I average the hours out and bundle them all up into one submission in the community service section even though that gives me a somewhat unbelievable number of hours per week? Or can I list my unpaid internship separately, in the “Work Experience” section–or is that exclusively for paid work experience only?</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>I am sure Work Experience is paid employment.
If the unpaid Internship is academic in nature, you could put that in the course work other than A-G. If it is not, it goes in the volunteer &community section.
Why do you think it is an unbelievable number of hours?
If you have done many hours of community service, you may also qualify for one of those scholarships in the front section of the application under Scholarships.</p>

<p>Only courses that appear on an official transcript belong in the academic history section. Placing other items there will cause your admissions to be in danger of being rescinded when your official transcripts are received and discrepancies are noted. Please see <a href=“http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/files/presenting-yourself-uc-application-freshman.pdf[/url]”>http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/files/presenting-yourself-uc-application-freshman.pdf&lt;/a&gt; for detailed application instructions. Do NOT place an unpaid internship in the academic history section.</p>

<p>It would be perfectly appropriate to put and unpaid internship in the work experience section as unpaid internships, by definition, are work experience. Simply note in the description that it was an unpaid internship.</p>

<p>It would not be appropriate to place an unpaid internship in community service unless it was for a non-profit or volunteer organization.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Here is what it says on the application:</p>

<p>“Add and briefly describe your paid employment beginning in ninth grade”</p>

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<p>Which is why you would briefly note that it was an unpaid internship. There is no consequence to including slightly outside-the-standard items in your activities and awards section, while there are potentially devastating consequences to entering such items as an A-G course (if accepted, all items in your A-G section must be supported by an official transcript). </p>

<p>Again, do not enter it in your academic history section.</p>

<p>Ijmom, if I have them both under the same entry it averages to about 12 hours per weekend for ~52 weeks a year. Not undoable, but I also have other weekly commitments so the claim does seem a bit dubious, at least to me.</p>

<p>I did end up placing it under work experience after digging around and finding this post: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-general/598469-uc-application-internships.html#post8511870[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-general/598469-uc-application-internships.html#post8511870&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks both for the help!</p>

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<p>Excellent! UC Davis college rep is an excellent source. Good luck!</p>