***UC Berkeley Class of 2019 Applicant Discussion***

<p>Hi everyone,
I was wondering if there are scholarships available for out of state students (I’m from NY) at UC Berkeley…the EFC comes out to $31,000 because of the added tuition for OOS, but over 20,000$ of what my parents can pay.</p>


<p>Submitted my application.I hope everyone get in :slight_smile: :)>- (same as the post on UCLA) :)) </p>

<p>Decided to apply last week. Had to finish 5 scholarship essays for other colleges yesterday. Just starting my personal essays today!!! My first was 730 words and I actually like it…so hopefully this second one doesn’t take too long. </p>

<p>just submitted a couple of hours ago!</p>

<p>Submitted yesterday! </p>

<p>i almost didnt apply to this school
did my essays in two days </p>

<p>is there anyone who got activated application ID? </p>

<p>How accurate is the admissions chance calculator on rogerhub? I realize the data is old (2009) and there’s really no calculator that can tell you for sure, but is it reasonable? </p>

<p>FB group: <a href=“UC Berkeley Class of 2019 | Facebook”>https://www.facebook.com/groups/1588807414676374/&lt;/a&gt; (replace the **** with “facebook(.)com” cheers!! ( didn’t create the fb group btw)</p>

<p>Does anyone receive an email yet?</p>

<p>@picozippy So so because it doesn’t factor extracurriculars or the personal statement. Also, getting in Berkeley in 2009 was less competitive than now. </p>

<p>@JalapenoGreens Check out outside scholarships as well as the alumni scholarships (not sure if they’re restricted to just californians)</p>

<p>@DreamsCT23 Nope. I just received a confirmation from UCLA a couple days ago though. </p>

<p>@Ninopedia Me too.When they receive scores do they email us?</p>

<p><a href=“https://students.berkeley.edu/myberkeley/myberkeleyapp.asp”>https://students.berkeley.edu/myberkeley/myberkeleyapp.asp&lt;/a&gt;
“If you have applied for undergraduate admission for Fall 2015, we will send you login instructions in an email in January.”</p>

<p>@uclabound1 thanks</p>

<p>I’ve heard that in order to increase their yield rate, berkeley tends to reject the very top students. Is this true? </p>

<p>@Alexf425 I do not know if this is true, but could you share where you heard this from?</p>

<p>@Classof2015HS – agreed; I think my ECs are all right but I was surprised the calculator told me I had great chances since I always thought of my GPA as mediocre. I believe they may have weighed my ACT (35) very heavily compared to my UC GPA! I just hope it’s not totally off the mark, haha. </p>

<p>@Alexf425 I don’t think Berkeley does this as they don’t take in account the level of applicant’s interest, but I may be mistaken. Berkeley’s yield rate is 37%, and I assume they don’t care too much about it. I know applicants who have gotten into HYPSM, but have also gotten in Berkeley. Berkeley offers their very top students regent scholarships. </p>

Hey has anyone received information about the portal? I got email about the “next steps” and it told me to log into the portal but I have not received login detail yet.