@ineversleep I have received info! You need to use the application ID from the UC app to activate your account (I think it’s step two). I was able to log in today.
has anyone else received an email from UC Berkeley asking for supplementary information? I got one today saying:
"Dear …
Thank you for applying to UC Berkeley for fall 2015! PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE. Action must be taken within 10 days.
We’ve begun our holistic review of your application and would like you to fill out a supplemental questionnaire(s).
Each year we ask a small group of students for additional information to enhance their application. We’d like to learn more about you and your academic experience, particularly in regards to specific information you have shared in your application, which will be addressed in the supplemental questionnaire.
We can’t emphasize enough that this information can only strengthen your case. It’s a unique opportunity to tell us more about your personal path to college without negatively affecting your application. In accordance with applicable privacy and other laws, we assure you that this information will be kept confidential.
To be considered in our review, all supplemental information must be completed in the next 10 days. Please note: Any supplemental information submitted AFTER the deadline will not be reviewed."
I logged into my account and found two links. One of them is about 10 short answer questions and the other is instructions for submitting a letter of recommendation.
@uclabound1 yep i just got mine today too, and i got UC davis a few days ago. i hear theres three kinds: one is for talent, one is for disability, and one is if you’re a borderline (close to rejection or acceptance) and they need more info. idk if its true, just what I’ve gathered from CC. i got disability ones for both.
@uclabound1 i did too, however i received 12 short answer questions.
@imsoworried do you think all ucs do it? i didn’t receive one from davis. how do you know the difference between the 3? does it explicitly ask you questions related to it?
@rllyrlyodd i know all the uc’s do them, but i don’t think they’ve all come out with them yet. i think Davis came out a few days ago, with Berkeley following today. i think more will come out as the month goes on. they usually come out between early jan to the end of jan/first week of feb. don’t worry too much if you didn’t get one! they only give out a small amount to people they want extra info from. for the people who got questionnaires, it means your decision hasn’t been made yet. unless its a talent one, then they might just be scouting for regents scholars but i could be wrong on that.
as for the difference: (all have teacher rec option i believe)
- disability one: asks questions about your disability including physical or mental complications and asks if you want them to use that in their decision process. it'll ask some short answer questions (varies by school just a little) questions about how it affected your school work, grades, and ec's. allows you to explain yourself and your situation. i got this one for davis and berkeley so if someone wants to ask me about it, feel free to PM me.
- talent one: haven't seen it but i know it asks about certain ec's youve written about, usually only if youre at a national or above level. like athletes or musicians or artists who have done some extraordinary stuff. usually already going to get in, this gives them the boost they may need to solidify their acceptance. i think the disability and this one are the two that are more "you're almost in, we just need to know this" or "you're in, we just want to give you aid so tell us this".
3rd and final one: borderline questionnaire. never seen it before and never heard what was on it but if you look at other threads, people usually know when its the borderline one. i think it asks more about your academic history, maybe like hardships you might have had that made it difficult for you to get good scores/grades or ec’s or something. they’re basically giving you the push that could either accept you or reject you depending on how well you fill out this form. your decision basically rides on it, not to put too much pressure or anything (lol). I’ve heard this is the “hardships” one. don’t quote me on that, but ask someone else on CC who says they’ve gotten the “hardships” one.
as for this information, i found it from my college admissions coach, CC, and good old google. pretty sure its 95% right because its the same repeating information I’ve found/been told everywhere.
I’ve also been told that getting a supplement definitely boosts your chances quite a bit (10-20% but this number is not definite as I’ve read many different numbers on this, ranging up to 50-50 chance even)
moral of the story: if you get a supplement, don’t screw it up or ignore it. send a great rec letter and take your time filling it out as it can be the make or break factor. IF YOU DONT GET ONE- don’t be upset, they literally send like -2 each year lol. it doesn’t mean you haven’t gotten in, it could even mean that you’re already accepted and they didn’t need more info from you.
@imsoworried ohh okay! well as of right now i only got one for berkeley then. i ended up getting the third one and upon some investigation i know it is this one for sure. yeah i think the info is right too now that i’m looking around. thanks!
i already opened it up and went to town with the questions lol. do you think long answers will negatively affect you? im kinda scared they’ll just scroll past it but they’re long for a reason especially regarding my family and personal circumstances.
@rllyrlyodd no no!! i think long answers are the best as long as youve eloquently put together whatever you want to tell them its basically an opportunity to write a second essay and i did the same thing lmao i literally wrote my heart out in 20 min and just sent it in bc i was too excited so were in the same boat with the long answers. i also wouldn’t worry too much bc from all the posts I’ve read for literally the last 3 years, the people who really poured their heart out and like told them everything they could were the ones who got in with the third one. don’t be discouraged either!! remember that the third one means theres someone on the panel who’s like YES YES YES I WANT THIS PERSON and so they send the questionnaire for extra stuff so that everyone else feels the same way, i assume. and congrats because if you got it that means you’re definitely not rejected right now either!!
I got 2 questionnaires…I got the one about having a mental/physical disability and I think the other one is the borderline questionnaire.
@imsoworried yes im about to finish them today!!! i really hope they like my responses. ahh this was honestly such a surprise. and thanks!
also can we send in the letter of rec afterwards?
If we did not receive any questionnaires or anything, can we send letters of recommendation and additional information like that?
@ineversleep: If you did not get a questionaire, do not send in anything extra. If they want it, they will ask.
guys, just a curious question. what did your online application page say? mine only says that my app is in review. nothing else!!? not a checklist or something?
@mahoushojo mine says the same! did you get the email for the supplemental?
Anyone get scholarship invitation from alumni?
@rllyrlyodd, no. nothing else except the confirmation email…
anyone transferring from a community college receive a questionnaires/supplemental? im curious to see if its only targeted at highschoolers or both
@imsoworried @rllyrlyodd How does your UCB portal homepage look like? Does it have the supplemental questionnaires? How do you submit the letter of recommendation? Do you give UCB your teacher’s email for UCB to email them directly? Thanks.
@james111 just follow the directions. Copy and paste the link and send it to your teacher in an email. If you want to see the page just paste the link to your address bar.
@mahoushojo yeah, you only fill in the supplemental if you get the email asking you to.
@james111 mine had the supplemental questions, other than that the letter of rec info is there(: