*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Good advice for a lifetime Socal resident here! Definitely dont want my kid from the OC ruffling an NorCal feathers!

Yes! Cal or Berkeley.

Also, California is NOT called Cali by any true Californian!


Thanks for sharing the info!

@tboooe Nah, you’re Socal. We’re fam. You’d get a warning at least and then a SMH look for not knowing any better. Are we not in the same state?!?!

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We need to trade stories my friend
same boat
lots of tears and cheers!

I thought Socal and Norcal were two different states if not countries! :slight_smile:

Did your daughter also play club soccer? Even though my kid eventually quit the memories and time we spent together driving to practices and attending tournaments/games is priceless. This is time with her is a gift I would not have otherwise had so it was worth every penny, tear, and cheer!

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No, she was (is *weep) a swimmer
she still wants to make the next cut for her self
she wants to swim as much as she can before school starts
I agree, the pandemic really hurt her for practice and competitions
but we were lucky to see her so much
as Black Jack Foley said Whatever’s meant to happen, always does.

Oh man
swimming is more hardcore than soccer. Swimmers practice way more! I have a lot of friends whose kids swam for some top clubs in Socal (Mission Viejo Nadadores, etc) and they tell me the amount of time they spend at swim meets just to watch their kid swim for a few mins. At least with soccer, we get 90 mins of playtime so by my gauge dollar/min of playtime the economics of soccer is better!!! :grinning:

Agreed, also think it’s pretty unfair to claim party kids can’t be successful

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@tboooe You can be Fam but still need a passport once you cross over the Grapevine and sorta nothingness that surrounds it.

I lived in Berkeley near Cal when I was in junior high and I have never heard of UCB until I saw it on this page. I have always referred to it as Cal or Cal Berkeley. I did follow suit though when I listed the schools/results of my son’s applications (listed UCB since I saw others doing that) and it did feel wrong!


My daughter got in.


It’s crazy that the portal “indicators” were exactly right. you would think the admissions people would be able to catch those by now!


I think people just use UCB as a written abbreviation. Verbally, they use Cal, Berkeley, or UC Berkeley. Just like people write UCSC but say UC Santa Cruz or just Santa Cruz.


Actually UCSC refers to themselves that way. My son has a sweatshirt with those letters that he bought at their student store. You’d be hard pressed to find UCB printed on anything that the university is associated with. I’ve really only seen it here and it is a misnomer.

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‘Lil late to the party, but my son was admitted last night. He’s super happy.

That makes TWO bears on campus for us in the fall. His sister is a 3rd yr MCB student class of 2022.

Go Bears :yellow_heart::blue_heart:


Sorry if this has been answered already but does anyone know more info on the space left on the SEED Scholars program? seems they opened up the scholarship to early admits in Feb. and kinda wondering how competitive it is for admits from yesterday. Thanks!

application says about 25 students will be in the program so I was wondering if this included those from Feb.

@josefelix0523 I’m not sure about the 25 spots but it is extremely competitive. My kid who didn’t get it received regents at UCLA and Berkeley and is in the MET program and his SEEDS essays were probably among the best of the set of essays that he submitted. Has incredible EC’s, alongside with stats.

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@jenphil2000 I think you should go back to those posts and edit out UCB and change to Cal/Berkeley. :slight_smile: