*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Again, I said “if you wish to” and it is “a speculation”

It’s coming out today, so we will know soon. Hang tight everyone!

We are not hopeful (UC Capped GPA is 4.0 :laughing:), it’s likely another rejection unless a miracle happens. So I won’t even bother to check out these speculations, waste of our time & energy, just not healthy.

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Wait how did the newsletter confirm it

yea but you dont even have to write about it, people still read it don’t they

which newsletter?? can you pls send link or are you capping

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How hard is it being a bio major at Berkeley?

Ok I will dm you guys if this website allows me to send pictures.

dm pls. I want to know what newsletter

yes please send

Dm me as well pls

dm me as well please

Please DM me too man

me too

Please dm me as well, thanks

me too

Me too please

Dont dm me thanks. I’m chilling and watching spunchbob squarepants


This website is not allowing me to send pictures. Let me copy and paste what is written there.

It says

Greetings and Happy Monday Experience Berkeley Family! This week’s news letter contains a few reminders for you to review, as we close out the month of March.

This Thursday, March 25th at 4pm UC Berkeley will be sending out their admissions decisions via email. Please be on the look out for admissions decisions in your email or spam folders.


could you put the link

4 pm pacific?