UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Ivana, Marla, and Melania :wink:

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Nooooooooo :sob::sob:
They are so funny right now, though. They really are already in that awkward teen phase :joy:

we got our boys on SHIP, one of the reasons is that it helped save on our monthly premium (Self-employed. no employer sponsored plan)
But your situation, yes send in the waiver

bad joke deleted sorry


Daughter will be doing FPF. she’s young for her grade and socially young for her chronological age, is interested in math and physics for the subject elegance, not because it will take her to CS or EECS degree, and concerned that Cal stem programs are described as a knife fight in a mud pit. We are local (Oakland/OUSD), and both parents are Cal grads. She will live in dorms. She’s knowledgeable, experienced, and comfortable navigating campus, the city of Berkeley, and the Bay Area. FPF is a place she feels will facilitate greater opportunities to nurture relationships with other students, and a place to develop mentorship and advising relationships at the front end. Since she thinks she want to get a PhD in the future, the early experience of guided mentorship will serve her very well not just getting into grad school, but being successful if/when she lands in grad school.


Sounds like a great fit! I definitely recommend taking the opportunity to request Letters of Recommendation from FPF profs for scholarships, jobs, etc. since they are so accessible that first semester.

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We’re interested in FPF, but I have some questions. My son is coming in with over 60 units in dual credit and an associates degree. Will there be classes he can take or will he already have fulfilled those requirements? From what I’ve read it seems like he has too many credits to make the program useful for him.

I’d contact FPF about that. It was my understanding too that it might make him ineligible.

Yes, I’m concerned that that’s the case.

thank you!!

anyone have trouble with the delegate account? I successfully linked created and linked my email with my student’s account and it was working for few days and how it says the account has been disabled!


i just got off the waitlist. is there still time to complete housing or will i not be guaranteed housing?
davis’s housing form was due a few days ago but i know that sb’s is not due for a few.



Yes. There is time to apply for housing.

thanks so much! :smiley:

Thanks so much for all the inputs!!

My son was accepted today! I think he will choose UC Berkeley over UCSD, but we are going to visit the campus on Thursday to confirm his decision

Daughter just got off the waitlist. I know in order to get housing she needs to select any housing any option…when is the housing application due?

For students admitted off the waitlist, the housing application deadline is the same as for accepting the offer of admission (probably May 14, if she was accepted yesterday; this deadline should be in the acceptance letter).

Congrats to all who got in!

It looks like there is more movement on the waitlist this year - which is awesome. Although a part of me wonders if this is due to low yield resulting from all the bad press about crime around campus? Or housing problems? Or maybe they just went super conservative with initial admits this year and are still assessing how much room they realistically have and taking more and more until they fill up.