UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

If i remember correctly, your D is a Regents scholar. Don’t they have priority registration times over regular freshman and maybe Transfers?

Yes, but it only kicks in second semester. First semester, they’re in the lottery with everyone else.

How are the registration times given out? For 2nd semester will the process be the same or will the Ap credits, dual enrollment credits have any effect on units fulfilled for a better registration time?


Enrollment appointments are determined by the number of semesters a student has completed at UC Berkeley; start dates and times are randomly generated. New transfer students are considered to have four terms completed.

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does college of engineering allow dual enrollment at CC?

I’m not sure how that all just worked out, but S23 got all four of his first choice classes. I was sort of baffled by how easy that was. I’m not sure if it’s just because he got a fortuitous registration time, or because he was taking sort of advanced classes for a freshman? Over here counting our blessings.


my daughter got every class she wanted!*

*(by that I mean she is waitlisted for 4 classes) :sob:


Your son will get in for Math 1B easily, no problem. Was he able to get into DeNero’s class for 61A?

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Yes, strangely only 61 A Lecture slot was available. Lab & Discussion will be opened later was the message.

That’s normal for 61A, and even for some of the other lower div EECS classes.

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We were worried our son wouldn’t get into math 53 or physics 5A, but it was somehow smooth sailing.


Son got swapped into his waitlisted Math1 B class, I was surprised it happened so fast.


That’s awesome!

Probably because Phase 2 started for continuing students today. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of movement over the next few weeks as students try to finalize their schedules and departments figure out how many new spots they might need to open.

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What does the “not officially registered” alert mean on Cal Central? This just appeared today with the note that it can be caused by various things like not being enrolled in enough units, having active holds, or unpaid tuition. We’re guessing the issue is unpaid tuition, so I paid a portion of the owed amount. I’m planning to do a payment since I can’t afford to pay it in full all at once, but since payments plans require 5 payments, I divided by 5 and paid that amount. However, my D still has the big “not officially registered” alert. Does anyone know what we must do to get rid of that?

That message and the little exclamation point will disappear from Cal Central once the amount due is paid. No need to pay the full amount now, especially if you’re expecting financial aid or other awards to load. I believe the final due date is the Friday before the first week of classes. Billing - Cal Student Central.

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So does that amount not include financial aid? I was trying to figure out exactly what the payment was for, but the breakdown doesn’t yet seem to be available. And is this just fall semester? That was also confusing because the amount is more than half of our expected contribution.

The current bill is for fall semester only. The timeline seems to vary based on the type of award- I only have direct experience with the Middle Class Scholarship but that usually loads right before the due date so I’ve learned to wait to pay to avoid having the deal with a refund. It looks the the waiver for health insurance has already been applied, so that amount is subtracted out of my student’s total.

Edited to add: click on View transactions under My finances to see a breakdown

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Ah ok that makes sense then. If I deduct the estimated Middle Class scholarship amount, then I end up at about half of the total I will owe for the year.

I did try to view the transactions, but the only one I can see right now is a June transaction for the College Writing Assessment. I don’t see anything else yet.

I’ll add that for students living on campus, there were also charges for orientation that were a separate line items from housing. Those were added to our bill quite late after we had already pulled money from our 529. I’ve also learned to wait and not make a payment too early. We are also waiting for the Middle Class Scholarship to be applied.

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