UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

Seeing this note bout reserved seats for some courses: “25 Seats Reserved for Students with 1-4 Terms in Attendance”. Does this mean incoming freshmen cannot register for this course since I would’ve had 0 semesters in attendance tomorrow ?

I believe that an incoming freshman is considered to have 1 term in attendance, so 1-4 terms in attendance would refer to first and second year students.

For example many freshman seminars are “reserved for students with 1-2 terms in attendance” (example)

Thank you! That makes sense :pray:

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@tamagotchi I think you are right. But I do wonder how “1-2 terms in attendance” differs from “New First Year Undergraduate Students” which some other freshman seminars use (example)? I had originally assumed that incoming freshman don’t count as 1-2 terms in attendance, but looking right now it does seem like a lot of the freshman seminars use the “1-2 terms” reservations. I’m doubtful those are trying to exclude incoming first years.

My guess is that it is probably just an alternate way of coding the same thing in the system.

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Question for parents who have been thru the class registration shopping cart: at the appointed registration time, does an “Enroll” button show up in the tool, and do you try to add every class in the shopping cart in 1 shot or do you add each class separately?

I’ve looked over what my kid has added to the cart itself, but I wasn’t sure about the process once the cart goes ‘live’ at the prescribed time. Hoping maybe @ucscuuw or @tamagotchi might know how it works.

Sorry, this is my kid’s first time doing this, too!

I’m just assuming that he will refresh the page at the appointed time, then check the boxes for all the classes that he wants, and there will be an “Enroll” button.

Then after that, a mad scramble trying to figure out what to do after he is waitlisted for one or more things. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He has lots of alternative ideas, but it remains to be seen what will be available…

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Thanks, I’m thinking the same thing. Some “Enroll” button/thingamajig will (hopefully) show up at the appointed time, then let the games begin. “Mad scramble” is probably about right! :grin:

  1. Add all courses of interest to the cart
  2. When the appointed time comes, refresh the page until the Enroll button shows up on the top
  3. Select all courses of interest, and hit Enroll
  4. Don’t sweat if you get waitlisted for a course. Check berkeleytime.com to check past enrollment trends. General thumb rule is that 10% of the WL folks will easily get in. In CS courses, a far greater % of WL folks will likely get in
  5. If needed, choose back up classes from the cart and Enroll

Please note that you may be limited to a max of x units for Phase 1. I believe it is 13.5 units these days (edited to avoid confusion - as pointed by @tamagotchi its 17.5 for new undergraduates and 13.5 for continuing students). Waitlisted courses will count towards to this unit cap.

For new undergraduates, Phase 1 allows 17.5 units, and there is no Phase 2.

For continuing undergraduates, Phase 1 allows 13.5 units, and Phase 2 allows 17.5 units.

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for registration, after their appointed time, do they have all day today to add and figure out classes if some are full?

Phase 1 for new undergraduates starts today and lasts until August 13. So yes, they will have plenty of time to continue to tinker with their schedules.

Just be aware that other new students will be enrolling in classes throughout the day today, and continuing students will also be enrolling in more classes starting on Monday July 17, when their Phase 2 begins.

so the deadline is Aug 13th? They can keep revising until then?
i thought it was only today and then the adjustment period date

Yes, students can keep revising. This allows spaces to open up for waitlisted students throughout July / August.

Is the Berkeley Connect class once a week? My daughter was confused as it appeared on her planner twice

I do not know anything about Berkeley Connect.

Son enrolled into 2 classes he wanted (CS 61A and AFCAM 27A and Got a not so good class for Math 1B). Class of Math 1B professor who had high ratings was not available, so he setup a Swap.

As @ucscuuw said, class strength for 1B is 700 students and my son is 40 on WL, hopefully he will be swapped into his favorite class.

Well, that was a total sh$tshow lol

(D just tried to register for classes, got only ONE class that she had wanted, and there was some glitch with R&C and she wasn’t able to register for that at all because it said she hadn’t met the prereq which she has several weeks ago through Cal’s own testing system. Eye roll).

It took a lot of juggling for S23, but he was finally able to enroll in 2 of the classes he needed (not perfect section times but never mind that…), and has a good waitlist position for the 3rd class he needs. Whew.

@worriedmomucb does your D have someone to contact about the issue, an advisor or someone?

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She contacted her advisor immediately - that’s who told her it was a system-wide glitch and a number of other students had had the same experience.

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