UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official Thread

The UC capped weighted GPA maximum is 4.40. The chart shows the Uncapped Fully weighted UC GPA with a maximum of 5.00. The UC’s consider all 3 UC GPA’s: Unweighted, Capped Weighted and Fully Uncapped Weighted.

The Capped weighted is the most common GPA posted on the UC websites but several campuses also include their Fully Weighted Uncapped GPA data.


I see these two charts posted in this thread:

UCLA’s GPA stats for the class of 2026 are 4.21 – 4.33

Campus GPA of admits Admit Rate
UCLA 4.21 – 4.33 8.5%
UCB 4.17 - 4.31 11.4%
UCSB 4.15 - 4.31 25.8%
UCSD 4.12 - 4.30 23.7%
UCI 4.08 - 4.29 20.9%
UCD 4.06 - 4.30 37.5%
UCSC 3.94 - 4.25 47.1%
UCR 3.81 - 4.20 68.5%
UCM 3.50 - 4.08 96.2%
Campus 4.20+ 3.80-4.19 3.40-3.79 3.00-3.39
Berkeley 30% 11% 2% 1%
Davis 85% 55% 23% 10%
Irvine 60% 31% 14% 1%
Los Angeles 29% 6% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 98% 96% 89%
Riverside 97% 92% 62% 23%
San Diego 75% 35% 5% 1%
Santa Barbara 73% 28% 4% 1%
Santa Cruz 91% 81% 46% 9%

For UCLA for instance the first chart is saying 8.5% acceptance for UC GPA of 4.21-4.33 and the second chart is saying for UC GPA 4.2+ UCLA acceptance rate is 29%.

I agree for the range of 4.34-4.4 UC GPA, acceptance rate would be better than 4.21-4.33 range but would be it be closer to 35-40% to make the overall 4.20+ acceptance rate to be 29% in the second chart?

Not sure if I am able to explain this clearly.


I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of the Admit Rate column in the first table. It is the overall admit rate (percentage of all applicants that are admitted). In the case of UCLA, it’s saying that 8.5% of all applicants are admitted. It is not saying that 8.5% of applicants with a weighted, capped GPA of 4.21 to 4.33 are admitted. The GPA of admits column in the first table is the GPA of the middle 50% of those admitted (50% of admits have GPAs of 4.21 to 4.33, 25% lower than 4.21, and 25% higher than 4.33). The second table is the only one that shows a relationship between GPA and admit rate for that GPA range.


Thanks much for the clarification.
I misunderstood when they put the overall admit rate in that same row.


Also I believe the first chart you share above pertains to HS class of ‘22 (most recent year), but the second one with admit rates tied to specific GPA ranges is from an earlier cycle (maybe HS ‘21). This most recent admissions year they aren’t sharing a granular breakdown at weighted/capped GPA above 4.0. 4.0+ is all one category.


Did everyone just receive the UCB email on First Year Pathways?





yes :slight_smile:

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No emails from UCB since Feb Update (Friday).
Maybe this is only sent to the College of Letters and Science applicants for whom FPF pathway is available?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

yeah got the email too. It was another general email.


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There are always a ton of questions with the FPF pathway. The good news is that UCB has improved the program from when my oldest son went through it. It lasts one semester, the class sizes are smaller, and you have a chance to meet new people in a close-knit environment. Most of the classes are held at an off-campus location (maybe 1/3 mile away from campus) in the Berkeley Extension building on University Ave. If you are considering it, I might be able to answer a few questions.

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Yes, only applicants to L&S receive the FPF pathway emails.


A quick question:

UC ans CSU won’t consuder SAT score for FALL 2023 decision right? Just want to confirm as my son didn’t send SAT score to UC’s

Correct for admissions or scholarships, they will not consider SAT or ACT scores. They can be sent but will be used for course placement.


My son also did FPF this past fall and I think it was a good choice for him.

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For the conditions of admission, do I have to maintain a 3.0 weighted or unweighted?

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It should state on your portal the conditions of admission but in the past it was a 3.0 unweighted GPA with no D’s or F’s Senior year.

You can find a printable version of your Conditions of Admission in the MAP@Berkeley portal, along with a printable version of your admission letter. Each condition check box must be selected. The student must then click Continue in order to progress to the admission deposit payment screen.