UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread


I hope this is something, hopefully it shall help out some anxious people from future years lmao.

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That interesting, does it also say unrecognized login for you when you login to CalCentral with both CalNet and MAP and did you take your summer classes at Cal before 2020?

I took a summer course during 2020, I wonder if anyone is not able to do this who has taken courses at Cal?

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Yeah I’m wondering the same thing. I know people who took summer classes in 2020 and still had access to their UCB email and got the email saying their CalNet wasn’t going to expire/is getting reinstated are able to logon to CalCentral with their CalNet ID right now. I’m curious why we aren’t able to.

I truly hope we get the glitch in the next 30 min lmao. Do they have access to that same screen?

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I hope so too lol. Which screen are you talking about?

this link where it prompts you for this.

If you attached a picture/link, I think its taking a long time to upload it. Were you talking about the unrecognized login screen?

Yes sorry I was super unclear I replied to your old message with the green button and above the button it says this:This application is for setting up a CalNet account. Use the button below to set up your account.

Ohhh gotcha. Yeah no worries. Yeah I also want to know who is able to access that page. If any regular applicants who never took classes at Cal or have a CalNet ID can access that page, please let us know. Same question for anyone who did take Cal classes and got the email saying their CalNet ID is getting reinstated.

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never took classes: When I try to login with my MAP@BERKELEY ID, it just says unauthorized page

same 4 me

PSA: very possible it means absolutely nothing.

No change for me.

Me either

probably gunna change on Friday, if it even happens

I’ve never taken course at berkeley at all and have zero access to the CalNet, but when I pressed on a link someone sent for the CalNet Account Manager website, i logged in with the MAP info and got the page that had a green button and said “This application is for setting up a CalNet account. Use the button below to set up your account.” What does this mean? Was it just a simple glitch?!

I had it as well, I guess it applies to everyone, as long as calcentrl is unauthorized it probably has no meaning…

On Mid-March, I got the email that my calnet account will be disabled within 2 months. But just a few days a go I got the new email from Berkeley, “Your affiliation with UC Berkeley has reinstated.” Few days after I got the email, my Berkeley gmail has been disabled suddenly. However, I can still log in to my CalCentral and see my grades and name. Does anyone know what this means?