UC Berkeley Fall 2021: Transfer Thread

Excellent point. If you look at the 25% - 75% stats for the enrolled (and not merely the admitted) students, you can see that the 25% number doesn’t shift to the left (i.e., lower gpa) all that much for virtually all the majors. In fact, the 25% number is sometimes higher for the enrolled stat in comparison to the admit 25% number.

I was able to access CalCentral with the MAP@Berkeley link in the past couple weeks, but suddenly it says it does not recognize my login. I’m wondering if something on the website changed since admissions are supposed to come out soon. I don’t have access to my CalNet ID anymore either.

I tried it like two days ago and it says the same thing as urs, and it is my first time trying to login to calcentral, I think it’s the system change due to upcoming decisions.

Does anyone know what “Your CalNet ID is no longer scheduled to expire?” means? I got this email to my ucb account and I took summer courses in UC Berkeley, a CCC transfer

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Oh damn I think that means you probably got in. It happened last year I think and the people who got the email ended up getting in. How do you still have access to the UCB email?

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I took summer courses in 2020 summer!

Isn’t the @berkeley.edu address supposed to expire after 120 days?

For me it was a year

Congrats I think there’s a high chance you got in. Are you able to access CalCentral at all anymore?

Omg the same thing happened to me! I hope we’re both in…

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I’m not sure about them, but I’m still able to access it, and I got the same email.

My CalNet ID and email had expired like a year and a half ago because I was going to take summer classes in 2019, so I couldn’t access my UC Berkeley email to check to see if I got the email saying it got reactivated. However, I’ve been trying to reset my CalNet password over the past 2 weeks and it kept saying Invalid ID when I entered my recovery email address or cal student ID until last night, when it recognized my student ID and let me change the password. I was logging into CalCentral before with my Map@Berkeley username and password, but strange thing is, now I can’t login with the map login info or my CalNet ID and password. But I can login to the CalNet account manager with my CalNet credentials which is pretty weird. Since it finally let me reset my password, it might mean that my student ID or recovery email is recognized and in their system again, and its possible that I got the email like you guys did, but just can’t see it because my CalNet grace period ended in 2020. But if it really is then I’d be able to login to CalCentral like you guys, which I currently can’t. This is all just speculation though and its possible all of it means absolutely nothing.

hey everyone,
I applied as a ChemE major from a ccc, and I’ve completed all of the requirements on assist except for properties of materials, and physics 7C (these are only recommended).
gpa for transferable courses: 3.54

hey guys I’m not too big of a stats guy, but wouldn’t the distribution have to be skewed right in order to help out the 25th percentile? Skewed right would mean more students with a lower gpa admitted (from what I understand- I could be wrong).

Correction: UCB, UCLA and UCSD do not participate in the TAG program. UCSB and UCI participate but have certain majors excluded from the program.


Taking a bell curve, GPAs increase going left to right. The middle (25 - 50%) is what we see in the UC Info Center data.

Taking (assumption) equal distribution of the number of students in the bottom 25% and the top 25% the distribution of GPAs would not shift. In that case, the five possible GPAs above and below the middle 50% (10 possible) make up the entire 100 of admit GPAs.

As mentioned, in reality there may be admits that are below this theory.

The gpa range seems to be just a general overview of admitted students, nothing is set in stone. There’s plenty of folks getting accepted well below their major’s range. It’s possible, but you might need a really good story. We’ll find out this Friday.

we are having the same situation. I took summer session in 2019. I am also able to change my password but my login shows unrecognized. So I think this is just a bug within the system but doesnt mean anything…

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Did you get the email from them? And are you able to log into other sites with your CalNet ID? I really hope this is something positive.

I’m currently cross enrolled from CCC so I can get in to calnet but dont see any indications as it still says
Undergrad Non-Degree/NonFinAid
Non-UC Campus Visitor L&S UG