UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

intl student crying rn


OK, I was confused for a moment while reading this, but it looks like a stay was requested and denied by the Alameda County courts. So now UC is going to the CA supreme court to request the same stay, in order to allow normal admissions numbers for this year. But as of now, UCB has to abide enrollment freeze numbers.

This is insane.

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Kid just got email from UCB about it (applicant not accepted yet)


Okay but why did the court rule for lower admissions numbers in the first place?



It would have been OK for the court to freeze future increases and keep enrollment at current levels. But to use the artificially lower numbers from the 2020-21 academic year is just ridiculous.


Its insanely low chances for In State already in most UCs. The stats are mind boggling. Now, we gotta deal with this…


Part of the lawsuit that was filed by Save Berkeley’s Neighborhoods that challenged UCB’s environmental impact analysis that included an analysis of the impacts of increased student enrollment that had occurred in previous years.

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Alameda county is very progressive politically, and it is not a surprise that they might go with a decision that is also progressive. UCB has promised more housing for a long time, and haven’t really delivered. And the city bears the the brunt of the lack of University housing. People in the city finally had enough, I guess. (this isn’t specifically in the article, but if you’ve followed the battle between berkeley city and UCB, you’d see this argument time and time again.) UC probably was confident that the court would rule in their favor, and now they are scrambling, leaving it up to the state. The state stands to lose money/jobs if this decision is upheld, so certainly we’d hope for a favorable decision.
At the very least, this could delay admissions day for UCB. Woohoo.


According to the group that sued:

The state needs to step in and have a plan in case the appeal is not decided in the next few weeks. I would imagine the CA supreme court would rule fairly rapidly given the timing.


spent it all on securing the Super Bowl…oops :sweat_smile:

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On the loss of $$$, what exactly is the purpose of having such a large endowment fund if you are not going to use it in an emergency.


Cavalierly, (is that a word?) I see this as a case of biting the hand that feeds you. The city of Berkeley is awesome, but thrives primarily because of the incredible institution that is UC Berkeley. If it crumbles, the city goes with it.
(note: it’s not going to crumble, but certainly jobs and classes would be slashed.)
(note: The school has been battling the city for years re: building housing on People’s Park. It would be an ideal spot for hundreds of housing units. Land is at a premium, and even on land the the university owns, the city fights back. Now this.)


Can we ask for a refund of our application fee and withdraw?


I would rather get all my taxes back :slight_smile:


Just reading the email (Fwd from my D). It’s disappointing though.


We live in the same county (Alameda), and tell me about it

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laugh out loud

I think we will stay in Texas.


Paid CA taxes for more than 22 years and D22 worked hard to get a perfect 4.0GPA, NMF, tons of ECs/Volunteers, and we are forced to go to tier 2/3 colleges in-state or pay extra for a college outside. Seems unfair. i know that there is no perfect solution for this, but it is frustrating. A few years ago, my son had to go through similar stuff and is now out of state as i didn’t want him spending time at a tier 2/3 in-state college after the hard work he put in (our choice and not the state’s choice). But seeing kids from neighboring schools get into UCB/UCLA with less stats and ECs is frustrating. Sorry for venting.