UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

4 pm iirc

thank you!!

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I listed in the UC app that I will take 2 AP tests in May 2022. My school follows the CBSE board and APs are external for us.

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Thank you. The same information is also stated on the GMP website.

Anybody have any more information on EECS admissions? Does MET consideration impact that?

I think that it is going to be around 3pm.

I think they have access to this when you self-report or even just by your name.

That’s true. But lower division courses at SJSU are impacted so it usually takes more than 4 years to graduate.

Maybe a sign at collusion? I know people who have had the same experience.

I applied for MET but didn’t get in for EECS track. Did you get the video request?

I did yeah, did you too


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i heard that those who got the video essay were first reviewed by engineering commitee

Same with my D22. Accepted at UCLA, test optional, no AP scores.

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My S22 is in the same boat. He really want to stay in South California but was rejected for most UC’s.

Got to UCSC, Merced and still not have answer from riverside.
Reject to UCI, UCLA and UCSD and SDSU all for CS. But was accepted to all schools he applied OOS.

Penn State, Michigan, Umass Amherst and even University of Toronto ( one of the top in the world for CS). He cried Friday night and said “ All the good effort I made was for nothing”. The only thing I could say is sometimes things happens for a reason. Maybe GOD prepared better thing to you in your future.


I am really pulling for your son for this week’s results. He has such impressive oos options— which school is he leaning towards?


I think Michigan is # 10 or #11 for CS. Getting selected OOS for that program is an incredible accomplishment.


Just venting and trying to make some sense of things.
DS 22, oos, valedictorian, 1580 sat, perfect gpa(w & uw), state & national level science awards, started non profit that made a considerable impact, tons of clubs and leadership positions, varsity athlete. Got rejected at UCLA, not even WL. Kids at his school with lesser credentials got WL.

Do you all think this was caused by the 300 oos cut at ucb, ucla and ucsd each, and should we prepare ourselves for a similar fate at UCB in 3 days. That would be a huge bummer though.


I am concerned for the kids coming in the future. I will be done with this process after this year. But I want to see on what i can do as a concerned citizen. I am planning to start with talking to my local high schools this fall so that they prepare the kids - not just academically but prepare them for the college results stress especially with UC systems. Even if i can help a few kids handle it better, it is worth it.


I completely agree that the UCs should consider working together. Applicants should be allowed to pick university ranking like what is done for the UCSD colleges.