UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2026 Discussion

FPF is a special extension program with limited course offerings compared to the main campus, but class sizes are generally smaller.

Frequently Asked Questions | Fall Program for First Semester describes the program.

Course Offerings | Fall Program for First Semester lists the FPF course offerings. Courses not offered in FPF include the following:

  • Lab science courses (e.g. Physics 7A or 8A, Chemistry 1A/1AL or 4A, Biology 1A or 1B).
  • Computer science courses (e.g. CS 10 or 61A).
  • Entry courses for some popular majors like art, business, data science, economics, music, sociology (in addition to lab sciences and computer science).
  • Math higher than 1B (e.g. 53, 54, 55, etc.) that students with 5 on AP calculus BC may want to take.
  • Reading and composition A courses other than English R1A, Comparative Literature R1A, and College Writing R1A (the last is for those who do not fulfill the entry level writing requirement).
  • Reading and composition B courses other than English R1B, Asian American Studies R2B, and Film R1B that students with 4 on AP English may want to take.

FPF students may take one main campus course, but a student who would prefer to take two or more courses not offered in FPF would be better off not selecting FPF.


They get it now, there are already emails in there. Please have your student click on bConnect from CalCentral.

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My student got notified today to take the UC Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) on May 21 for $110. I wish they provided a few test date options, since our family already has an obligation on that day. He’ll call or email about an alternate date, but they sure don’t make it look very flexible.

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FPF worked out great for a friend of our family. He got off the waitlist and was put in FPF. Now he has a CS degree and a high paying job with a FAANG company.

Does the student have any of the following (or higher) as listed at https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/elwr/requirements/test-scores-grades.html ?

  • 30 on ACT English
  • 63 on ACT English + Reading
  • 680 on SAT EBRW
  • 3 on AP English (either)
  • 5 on IB HL English Language A
  • 6 on IB SL English Language A
  • C in UC-transferable college English composition course

If so, then the above will fulfill the entry level writing requirement (ELWR) without needing to take the AWPE.

A student who enrolls at UCB without having fulfilled the ELWR must take College Writing R1A (a 6 unit course, as opposed to other reading and composition A courses that are 4 units).


https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/elwr/exam-day/ says that “If you’re unable to take the exam on May 21st, you will have other options for testing and placement through your UC campus.” It does not say what the other options are.

https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/elwr/help/ has some general AWPE contact information.

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My son didn’t have the opportunity to take the ACT or SAT due to covid. He’s at an IB school and has his IB English HL exam in two weeks, but won’t have the test result in time. Taking the exam is no problem, but flexibility would be nice. He’ll call them. Thanks.

Thanks. What I saw was that it can only be for religious reasons. We’ll follow up.

I personally have not heard the greatest things about FPF. Although class sizes are smaller, it was harder for my friend to connect with others. It is also slightly disconnected from the main campus meaning you will be further from most of your peers.

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Note that College Writing R1A themes of each section are posted here: https://writing.berkeley.edu/course/accelerated-reading-and-composition-21

Many other departments offering reading and composition (R&C) A and B courses post the themes of each section on the department web sites.

The student placement into R&C courses is as follows:

Since your student is taking the IB exam, note that IB HL English A Literature or Language & Literature score of 5 fulfills R&C A and B (R&C A only for College of Engineering students).

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That’s a UC-wide requirement, I think, and as another poster listed above, lots of scores from other tests can get you out of it. Are you sure that the IB scores come too late to fulfill it? At least at UCLA I don’t think all the scores related to getting out of requirements like this had to be in until mid-July.

They live in the same dorms. I don’t see it as much different than 2 dorm mates going off to different classes during the day.

IB (and AP) scores will come before students start college (and therefore be able to fulfill the ELWR), but after the AWPE date.

The UC website says “If you intend to enroll at UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Riverside or UC San Diego you may fulfill your Entry Level Writing Requirement with the Analytical Writing Placement Exam. “

The other UCs have different instructions for meeting the ELWR.

The UC site also states “If you are scheduled to take an AP or IB English exam in the month of May, you will still be expected to take the universitywide Analytical Writing Placement Exam in May. AP and IB scores should be sent to your intended campus by July 15. “

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That makes sense. Bummer.

Senior year AP exam results don’t arrive early enough for placement.

All UCs recognize AWPE. Some prefer students do an assessment through the school rather than testing out through AWPE.

UC Davis: Passing the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) fulfills the Entry Level Writing Requirement. The UC Office of the President administers the AWPE state-wide in May and many California High School seniors may choose to take it then. However, we recommend that incoming first-year UC Davis students who have not fulfilled ELWR complete the UC Davis Writing Placement Survey instead of taking the AWPE.

UC Merced: * UC Merced Writing Readiness Review (new for Fall 2022 admits)

  • This new writing placement tool at UC Merced is FREE
  • The Writing Readiness Review replaces the UC Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) which has a $110 fee
  • For Fall 2022 only, UC Merced will accept either the Writing Readiness Review (preferred) or the UC AWPE for writing placement

UCSB: We encourage students to take the CWP rather than the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE). However, if you have taken the AWPE and received a passing score, we will accept that score as satisfying ELWR.

UCSC: Note: UCSC will accept Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) scores of 8+ for ELWR satisfaction from the system-wide AWPEs if students opt to take it.

Am I still able to accept my spot? I’m kinda regretting my other decision right now. If anyone knows anyway I can, please let me know

Hi, is the AWP Exam only for selected students?
I haven’t received any emails regarding the exam and wonder why.

You mean in regards to enrolling at UCB? Since it is past the deadline, you need to contact UCB admissions and ask since they are the only ones whom can tell you for sure. Make sure you can afford to lose your current school deposit and do not withdraw until you get a confirmation from UCB either way.

Does anyone know how long it takes CalCentral to update a task as completed…specifically after submitting uploads of Covid vaccines/booster?