UC Berkeley Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist/Appeal Thread

College of L and S…she applied under public health

thank you so much!

do you think i have any hope, both of my majors are high demand L&S
when i was applying i was told to not worry about that and i should put the majors that i want to do, but now waitlisted i’m really regretting this

it depends, which high-demand majors?

l&s cs unfortunately had the lowest admit percent of all times.

For those admitted off the waitlist today, congratulations, did you send any updates or LOCI or transcripts or any email/document other than accepting the place in waitlist?

psych and public heath

Daughter just accepted place on waitlist. She didn’t send any updates or LOCI.


I got off the waitlist, admitted under Mechanical Engineering in the COE

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Do second waves usually come a week after the first wave?

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Anyone hear back from college of chemistry waitlist?

Did anyone admitted off the waitlist for L&S receive admission into FPF?
Not asking if you opted into FPF, but whether UCB only offered you a spot through FPF in your acceptance.

My son got off the waitlist today for L&S


my son opted in to FPF but there was no mention of it in the acceptance letter.

Any L&S admits, do you know where I can find which major I was admitted for?

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do you mind sharing what major?

No luck today.

Any OOS come off the waitlist this week?

Daughter (In State 4.0/4.65 GPA) Accepted to Environmental Engineering Science.
She chose UC Berkeley and accepted the offer!
The wait list acceptance email was received on 5/8 at 3:15pm.

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UCB did not accept LOCI’s this year. Some applicants were able to upload transcripts or submit updated grades.

Sounds like mostly in-state than OOS, which is inline with the 900 spots the state got UCLA/UCB/UCSD to collectively agree to switch from OOS/Intl to in-state