UC Berkeley Letter of Rec?

If Berkeley never requested a letter of rec from me, does that mean I got rejected? All my friends got requested for letters, and they were all ranked higher than me. Everyone at my school who got requested has a rank of 12/745 or higher. My rank is after senior year 16/745, but 21/745 during my junior year. Does that mean I got rejected?

I applied with a major in Media Studies if that makes a difference. My friends were all science related majors or political science.
I have a 1260 SAT and 4.0 UC GPA. 3.7 unweighted, 4.1 weighted 9-12 grade GPA.
I know my stats aren’t super high, but I was hoping my extra curriculars and major would help increase my chances.
Also, I got asked for supplementals from UCSD, Which means I’m borderline there, right? That means I definitely got rejected from Berkeley… Right? Lol. :frowning:

I got a lor request ftom berkely and till now nothng from other UCs

Not getting an LOR request from UCB means nothing other than you may not be considered for regents or possibly borderline. Getting a supplemental from UCSD may mean they needed more information to help evaluate your application again not necessarily you are borderline.

Do not expect rejections just based on this.

Good luck

@USUG21: No other UC’s ask for LOR’s except UCB so no worries.

Sorry if I sound dumb, but what are regents?

