UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

i don’t but does anyone have any indications for admission for second round

Keep in mind there may not be a second round. It’s possible they were already close to their enrollment target.

Not trying to be rude or anything. But the only students who post here, specifically this waitlist thread, are anxious applicants who are trying to get into a great school like Berkeley. Keep repetitively mentioning that “there might not be a second wave”, and “last year’s acceptance rate was 1% don’t get any hopes up” is new information to us at all but only diminishes our hope and continued interest. It is great that you are trying to help us understand it’s not easy at all to get into Cal, but when people ask about releasing time and waves, it means that they care, and we care. In my opinion, getting this community frustrated is not healthy at all. Very sorry if I sound like I am accusing you, I truly understand if you didn’t mean it that way, but as an applicant myself, that’s how I personally interpreted your previous messages. Again, not saying anything you said was wrong, but the last thing we should do is give up hope after working our asses off throughout high school.


I agree that there may or may not be another wave so we shouldn’t get our hopes up. However as far as I know, they only admitted a few majors and haven’t given anybody info about FPF. So take this as you may but this is my rationale when thinking that there’s possibly another wave.

Fair enough, and I didn’t see this reply until I made a note just now in the Waitlist thread. As a parent I just hate to see this happen every year, with students getting so focused on getting into their “dream” school when they could spend their energy getting excited about the school they are most likely going to attend. My son was on 6 waitlists two years ago. Didn’t get off a single one of them. It was a torturous summer in some ways, because these lists will often stay open for months, and you will keep wondering and wondering and waiting. I just hope that you are spending time loving the school you are committed to. You can go there and do great things! I’ve been a student at a tippy-top college, and now I have a kid at a college that lots of kids want to get into. Trust me, NO school is a “dream” school. There is good and bad at every school. Don’t give up hope, and I personally hope you do get off the waitlist! But please go enjoy all the rest of the end of high school. Cal isn’t the be-all-end-all!

Wishing you luck (and a more active waitlist ;)).


Quality post.

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I hear you. My son DID get off the Cal WL in 2020, and we were all watching it like a hawk daily. It probably would’ve been heartbreaking if he didn’t get in, and we weren’t helping, but he had a backup plan. I agree with your message @GoldRush2, it’s just so easy to cling to every little piece of hopeful information, legit or not. It can be dangerous.

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Yep – it must have been SO great to get that good news! I think the fact that waitlists moved in 2020 (probably somewhat due to COVID) led to some expectations in 2021 that they might move again that year. Even the “experts” that year said that waitlists should be active because colleges were still in the dark about what yields would be and had admitted conservatively. And then…nada. Very few waitlists moved, UC or otherwise, that year. I will say that things seem more active in 2023! Daughter was only on 2 lists (UCSB and Cal) and got off of one (UCSB). I do not expect she will get into Cal, and luckily that’s okay for her. But for her brother, being on 6 waitlists, writing LOCIs and then nothing ever coming of that over months and months…it was terrible.

hey so even if I am currently not getting the “good” sign on the source code, is it possible for this to change for me later on down the line if there’s a second wave? I’m not sure if Rhetoric has been considered yet for the WL. It was my alternate major.

I got a notification from Nitro asking me if I needed help paying for UC Berkeley, when I actually haven’t gotten in and still am on the waitlist. Is this a sign or is it just a bug (since I listed a couple schools I wanted to get into when I signed up).

any new portal astrology drop? There’s been new waves going on and stuff so jw

My source code just got updated! Yesterday evening it was fft. Today it has become ftt!
L&S CS admitted! Once the official offer comes out, I will drop my UCLA cs offer with the regent scholar. Hopefully, Berkeley can also give me something in the official offer.

So exciting!!! :melting_face:

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Would you mind providing an update? did the source code change predict something?

Yep. I got the official offer for l&s cs on the same day afternoon.

you are transfer right?

Yep, transfer

What were ur Stats? First gen? Low income? Ethnicity? if you don’t mind sharing ofc.

Thank you!

also, did u get forbidden the day before the waitlist result came out or was it still unauthorized?

Thank you!

You will be able to log in to Campus solution a few days earlier based my friends and my experience. The source code changed only hours before the official offer in my case.

I am Chinese Male. I’ve heard from my friend and Reddit that this might be the worst debuff. Any thing special about me is probably first gen. I feel my background is pretty strong not only for gpa and internships. It also got recognized by UCLA regent scholarship.

This year I feel L&S CS become more competitive due to the policy change.

Thank you!

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