UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Also, having gone through this exact same thing last year, this year has almost an identical feeling - same ratio, same questions and concerns raised, same amount of definitive options (can register vs can’t register / Forbidden vs Not authorized). Last year was 100% dead on accurate. This feels exactly the same.


Wait, if the batches theory is correct then would that mean everyone will have forbidden at some point? If not then why is no one getting any other message except for the binary?

nope. forbidden is, as we’re suspecting, only for those who’ve had their decisions uploaded and are admitted. am i misunderstanding something? can you maybe rephrase your question?

there are multiple links/pathways to calnet. something weird i’ve seen is that some people with “forbidden” get “not authorized” using other links/pathways to calnet. i wonder why this is?

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now that i think about it – why are we so insistent on calnet’s efficacy? it’s for people who are already committed to berkeley, right? I’m sure a fair amount of people would choose not to go to berkeley in favor of other schools…i’m not sure.

Also, releasing in batches makes sense. For example, it gives you a chance to debug if there issues with the rollout. I guess.

it’s possible we could just be making this a big red herring, haha. someone said earlier that cal would be making efforts to try to derail the efforts of portal astrology – again I’m not sure though

Ya i think i was a bit confused originally but your comment makes sense.

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It could mean that. Sure it could.

When did it because accurate? how many days before the decisions were released was it noted? Was it the same timeline?

i’m talking a lot here partly because of trying to cope and impatience (i myself am a “not authorized” while having friends with what may be deemed as low statistics have “forbidden”) but also because this sort of prediction method hasn’t been fully established yet. if you have “forbidden” – there’s nothing wrong with being happy. but if you have “not authorized,” don’t lose all hope just yet.

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last year, astrology was changing a bunch up until the very last day, i believe. it’s also been 100% accurate, with maybe just a few inconsistencies.

Out of curiosity, is there some sort of correlation with people who have forbidden and their stats? Out of everyone you guys saw who sees forbidden, do they generally have really good stats or is it more of a mixed batch? If the latter then that can be proof that they’re uploading decisions in batches

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a mixed batch, i think. again, many people know individuals with “low stats” with “forbidden”, while they themselves, or others with fairly high stats, have “not authorized.”

i know some people with low stats who have forbidden

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lowest i’ve seen so far is 3.6 uc gpa and few aps/honors classes

what if, by some weird exchange, those who get “forbidden” actually are rejected and have their specific logins forbidden because of their rejections? and everyone is just “not authorized” until their decisions get in?

(this is mostly a joke. it’s too fun to think outside of the box)

that’s a theory i’ve had too, but i would assume if that were to be true then we’d be hearing people’s statuses (forbidden vs not authorized) change and as of thus far, we have not heard any reports of this. i have heard it 2-3 times today, but those people have not provided any proof… not that they can really provide any proof to begin with lol

My D had a summer class at Berkeley. I can login, CalNet account information is already there. Does that mean she gets in? lol