UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

i asked that person for proof and they never got back to me, nor did he respond to anyone else asking for proof

yeah, it seems like all early admits got forbidden until proven otherwise

The appeal form doesn’t open for anyone until April 1st, after decisions are released.

man, this is so frustrating. between those with reported “lower stats” getting forbidden and vice versa, early admits, reports of changes – it just is all pretty overwhelming.

again, we really should just wait. i don’t think it’s proper of people to accept defeat quite yet.

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earlier i also questioned the efficacy of this method because calnet is pretty much only used by people attending berkeley, not just those who were accepted. it wouldn’t make sense for them to create a bunch of accounts that won’t be available upon the release of decisions if they don’t even know if those that are accepted are actually gonna go there.

Sorry I didn’t read the whole thread but when I logged in, I have a Berkeley Email.
Screenshot 2023-03-27 at 5.33.47 PM

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have you taken any sort of courses at berkeley before?

Register one summer but didn’t drop before it starts

because you’ve registered in the past, you probably won’t be able to use this method (if it even means anything).

Looking at all of your messages, I see some heavy copium. Don’t worry, a Berkeley admission isn’t the end-all-be-all.


why is reddit taking down all posts. the only place i can find any info ab this is here?

Important message for a lot of people on this thread (me included!)


Forbidden here. Accepted to every UC so far.

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which ones if u don’t mind me asking? unless u applied to all UCs

Applied and accepted to all but Merced/Riverside

Because portal astrology is against reddit rules. It can be really harmful for people who don’t need more anxiety. This thread is just for astrology so an appropriate place.


Mine changed earlier this morning, from “not authorized” to “forbidden.”
Something definitely happened.


can someone explain how to check source code thing for the withdraw form?

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not trying to claim that you’re lying, but do you have any proof? if not, are you sure you didn’t mistakenly see something else?