UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

even i don’t have any association

Nope, none at all

Anybody else have any idea? I personally haven’t seen anyone with unauthorized but got an ID

Also the way I logged in was by previously logging into the Berkeley Application Portal (MAP) and then going back to the CAS link

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What if you click log in on the top right

Same. New cases lol

Nothing happens. Tried this yesterday

i was given unauthorized but when I press the link:

https: SLASH SLASH auth.berkeley.edu/cas/login

I get the student id

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does anyone get a different message when pressing that link ^

Is it possible that

Forbidden + ID= accept
Unauthorized +ID= waitlist
Unauthorized +No ID=reject

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hmm im not sure if u were waitlisted that you’d get an id

Sounds valid

Same here. Unauthorized but have a student ID. I think that makes the astrology less likely. Waitlists would not have a student ID.

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exactly. maybe they’re in the process of uploading

So did you try to set up your CalNet account using the 10 digit ID starting with 303?

no i have not

No, but didn’t people warn about that previously in the thread


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Yeah don’t try to mess their system up

Ah ok. yeah i hadn’t seen that screen that you posted a pic of earlier. I thought that was a response to trying to set up CalNet. my mistake