UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

Use map

exactly the same for me. i think Student ID is strong indicator.

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im confused where does it say the student id?

I used map. Hereā€™s the images again

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yes, this is what shows for me too.

i have the same first screen but where is the second screen from?


from here^

First, the second screenshot is the classical wrong link. I dunno whatā€™s going on with the unauthorized thing tho. did you ever volunteer for ucb

mine just says my email


yeah, this is the difference probably

No. Whatā€™s the correct link for the second one?

Also I live in Miami so I couldnā€™t be involved with Berkeley even if I tried lol

so does that mean i got rejected?

what do you see

Thereā€™s no correct link for the second one. that one simply doesnā€™t work lmao

donā€™t worry. thereā€™s still time.

it does. if you see student ID with it, it probably means something. you donā€™t get a student ID just like that.

Oh, I thought it meant something. Any clue why I have an ID tho?

ANY association with Berkeley?