UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

go to the withdraw application request form from your portal, then left click and choose view page source. click line wrap checkbox at top left. idk if it only works on chrome


it can’t be true, the person who psoted their code as false flase in the bottom and BOTH lines are false true ture

this isn’t possible

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were u able to see ur ID

The first line is
true || true as well

Seems fabricated

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This isnt fabricated right?

but people aren’t actually hacking into anything here, they’re just checking the sites and seeing if there’s an ID from logging in. they’re not actually activating any email accounts or anything, but just typing in their login to check if berkeley’s sites work. wouldn’t it be different than harvard’s case, where ppl actually hacked into their systems/code?

Why do you say fabricated? I do not see anything wrong.

Is it really worth taking this risk when we are 50 hours from the decision? Would you be able to get anywhere making this argument to the UCs?

Please stop fiddling with your accounts.


I have to agree with @ucscuuw here. If a few people poking around turns into several hundred by tomorrow, then watch Cal admissions issue some statement about a “decisions delay to fix technical issues”.
Granted, my CS knowledge begins and ends with me playing GTA 5, so I dont know what constitutes hacking. But also assume admissions people look at this thread.


Yeah IMO should stop fiddling.

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Yea, me too. Got unauthorized, but also got an ID from the second site.

Berkeley has been notified of the astrology


if they do, do you think they fix it? so everything said before doesn’t really make sense then

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I think the astrology is not true if they won’t fix it

They didn’t fix it last year lmao

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Anyone know what it might mean if you have the ID but unauthorized?

Prolly waitlist

since there are people with unauthorized → ID, and people with unauthorized → no ID, it probably indicates a waitlist.

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is the id thing risky to try