UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

with an id - but my other page says unauthorized

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Can you share a screenshot of what your page looks like after you click withdraw?

yea, mine is exactly the same, it was unauthorized yesterday and today it says login successful

i cant upload a screenshoot
it says “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”

what were the first 4 digits of the number it gave you

this is so weird … i think we need to touch some grass

can u send the link u used?



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where do u find the number

does this link lead to a page with the same number on the top?


do i click campus solutions or the other one

What do you do on that link?

campus solutions. I think first you need to try and log in to the map@berkeley page that gives you forbidden/unauthorized before

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What does it mean if you can actually login in that portal, you see a berkeley.edu prepared based on your name (1st 2 letters of first name followed by last name) but if you try sending emails to it they come back?

when i did that and logged in w map it said: Your account hasn’t been created yet.
Please try again later.

any unauthorized people can access the withdrawal form?

too scared to try


Reminder to new users:

Folks, please chill and don’t do anything with your accounts that jeopardizes a potential admit. A few years ago, a bunch of Harvard applicants figured out a “hack” and ended up getting their admissions rescinded.

Reading the signs is fine but actively trying to access UC systems are not cool and may not be looked at kindly. The admitted events thing last year didn’t have implications for campus IT security, but activating accounts might.


so you are telling them this entire astrology LOL