UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

yes. click on withdraw in portal and then when it takes you to the next page you have to click on the box for options

do u access sis through calnet or cal solution or cal central
im so confused between these three

This is what mine says rn. i had forbidden, the allegedly-accepted source code, and the 10 digit id

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what happens when you click on the box

what box?

when i click on withdraw it says that i dont have access
 does this mean that it’s a reject

that’s what happened historically, yes, but maybe things have changed this year. but historically, the astrology for berkeley has been pretty accurate


sorry but yes

lol dont click on the box dude. right click ur browser → view page source

where it says “no longer interested”

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def wasn’t gonna click that lol don’t wanna accidentally withdraw ■■■■■

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Hman1 slyyyyy

i alr did, and i got the source code that was the one the community said was the accepted source code

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Where are you clicking withdraw?

doesn’t do anything
 you have to actually type “submit” for it to go through, relax lol

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I was clicking withdraw on my MAP applicant portal on the bottom right hand side

well obviously, but who knows if someone acidentally misclicks or touches their keyboard/mouse on accident

can u post an ss of what it says when u click on withdraw

Seems like I am waitlisted then. I was not authorized, could get my ID, and can see withdraw

go to the admissions portal. on the Right hand side, click withdraw and there are 3 possible statuses. the one i posted of mine above has been historically correlated with acceptance.
“unauthorized” statement was rejection, and “further consideration” status was waitlist

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