UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

[quote=“tenemitn3094, post:1499, topic:3628867”]
dillydallying and

does she have access to the withdrawal thing (sorry wanted to reply to Phantom)

didnt ask, this was earlier in the day. i can try rn but i think she doesn’t want to since she doesn’t wanna risk anything

yea she said no

No what

sounds like bs to me…

i wouldn’t just lie for no reason, i mean you can choose not to believe me? but i checked myself, forbidden + no SIS

Im getting both forbidden and access to SIS. Anything else to check?

alright well maybe your friend is lying then :smiley:

ur good

I turned from able to access the withdraw form to unable. So i think it doesn’t indicate acceptance. It probably just means that once your decision is uploaded, you can’t access the withdraw form anymore

im still accessible to it

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everyone was able to access it up til yesterday night, then only some were able to access it and continue to access it now



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The status changed several hours ago. Only some (speculated to be the accepted/waitlisted ppl) have access to it now.

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I have forbidden, can still access the withdraw form, have FTT, have access to SIS and ID…does this mean potential acceptance?

yes you are good

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Can someone please explain to me all the signs we are getting?

Like what do you mean by FFT and True, False, False.

I get the unauthorized and forbidden part, checked that but what do you mean by access to the withdrawal form?

I get unauthorized but I was able to see my ID last night, and I have access to the withdrawal form which says “I am no longer interested in attending UC Berkeley and wish to withdraw my application.”

I think I got rejected but oh well.

“FFT” and “True, False, False” refer to lines on the source code page for the withdrawal form.

Access to the withdrawal form and False True True on the source code view predicts acceptance.

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So how do I access this source code page I am confused, could you walk me through if you have the time?

Also, what do you mean by access to withdrawal form literally if you click on “withdraw application” on the portal and a form to withdraw like all the “I do not wish to continue” stuff comes up, that’s considered as accessing the form?