UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

According what we have concluded now. Unauthorized but do get an ID, can’t access to SIS but still can get to the withdrawal page. That’s probably waitlisted. So you just need to verify the source code. You go to the withdrawal page by using chrome. And click left button and click something about check the resource code. Then you will probably see “False False True” on the 46th line.

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If you got False False True. Then you make the waitlisted theory more valid lol.

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are they still uploading decisions or that is it?

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U mean line 46 or 48? Cuz there is two

Umm I forgot the exact number but yeah there are two. So the upper one for everyone is FFT. And whether you are FFT or FTT depends on the lower one (second one)

So people who got FFT should see:

And people who got FTT should see:

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Oh, I was looking at the wrong line
update (if it helps anyone)
I have FFT, FTT
I can access everything-forbidden, SIS name and ID, calnet login successful with ID, able to withdraw

after clicking developer tools on chrome, where do I go to check the source code?

not developer code. just click Ctrl + U and the source code will appear in a new chrome tab.

sorry. not developer tools. just on the screen after you click the withdrawal button just click Ctrl + U and the source code will appear in a new chrome tab.

first one FFT second one FTT

is that good?

I have forbidden, access to SIS with Name and ID

basically FTT, SIS, Forbidden and all the stuff needed, signifies an acceptance?

is anyone getting ftt who is “not authorized” or vice versa?

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look at the code line directly above the word/line for “Retired”

what does FTT signify?

“forbidden,” and seeing FTT when u inspect the source code on the withdraw section could mean acceptance
those who access the withdraw section but see FFT are waitlisted
those who can’t access withdraw section at all and instead see “unauthorized” rejected

→ the withdraw tab is on the admissions portal

I got Forbidden, Access to SIS, and FTT

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yeah, so everyone who has had forbidden has also had the withdraw section and FTT. signifies acceptance