UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

I get this as well

Yesterday is not authorized

Iā€™m hoping this astrology is wrong because I donā€™t want to be rejectedā€¦ :frowning:

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Donā€™t lose your mind or hope around theseā€¦ lets remember these are still guessing games at this point not official until we see it tomorrow :slight_smile: Take it with a grain (few grains :slight_smile: ) of salt.

In popular link, click ā€œUC Berkeley campus solutionā€. Then click campus solution, sign in with map

Thanks :sob:

Just kill time. Donā€™t take it seriously.


Got rejected so many times . I donā€™t mind getting hurt again ā€¦. :smiling_face_with_tear:

I donā€™t see a sign in with MAP button

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If i got unauthorized and I canā€™t even submit a request to withdraw my application does that mean rejected.

Actually, not reject but on WL too many times . :face_with_head_bandage: hurt so much

Got the same thing. Was accepted at UCLA and UCSD so was accepting at least a waitlist.

wait where you unauthorized and canā€™t even withdraw it

Yes, I just tried to access the waitlist form.

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Southern CA or Northern CA

Neither. Out of state

What are the majority of people getting as Berkeley has a very low acceptance rate

I believe that someone should conduct a poll with these three options (access to withdrawal FFT, access to withdrawal FTT, no access to withdrawal form)

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I applied EECS