UC Berkeley Portal Astrology Discussion 2023

We’ve been discussing this for days. The only ppl who stayed around are those who received the positive indication. The poll from a while ago has a 1/3 predicted acceptance rate which checks out for college confidential

has this astrology been proven in previous years

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Ftt has

[link to strawpoll FTT/FFT/no withdraw access](https://strawpoll.com/polls/PKgl3P3bJnp)

what was accepted in previous years

ftt was the main indicator of acceptance

Reposting @soap123’s link for easier clickability


for the person who said they can’t access the withdraw page, what do you see when you click on this link: [link to withdraw page](https://apply.berkeley.edu/apply/form?id=8af84e30-3cd9-4914-8840-226cc045d8e7) ?

You guys should chill. You can click malicious links, giving away your credentials or worse, hit a bug due to so many calls to the server and instead of reading fttftf you may get “Sorry to see you going. The withdrawal is final. Thank you”


I still think the “Forbidden” is the biggest indicator along with the Campus Solutions login.

You’re in for a disappointment.

I can log into campus solutions and it just shows me a blank homepage. Is that a good sign?

so we can conclude that unauthorized, no access to the withdrawal page is rejected. if so how highly would you guys recommend an appeal letter.

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the new poll is scaring me…lots of green. yikes

you have to account that a lot of people on this forum have better stats and are more deemed as qualified than the rest of the population


lol that’s probably because people who got good signs are more likely to vote


appeal letters will be available the 1st correct ?

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I know that bro

you can always appeal, what other colleges did you apply to ?