UC Berkeley.. UCLA

4,653 applicants from out-of-state
984 admitted (or 21%, compared with 26% of in-state applicants admitted)


<p>Berkeley's acceptance rate for out of staters is about 11%. There are a total of 275 out of state students enrolled at Berkeley for the class of 2003. </p>

<p><a href="http://osr.berkeley.edu/Public/STUDENT.DATA/PUBLICATIONS/UG/ACROBAT/ugf03.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://osr.berkeley.edu/Public/STUDENT.DATA/PUBLICATIONS/UG/ACROBAT/ugf03.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yes, youre right about that. There are 275 out-of-state students at Berkeley. Unfortunately, that is how many out-of-state students actually MATRICULATED. Many more than that got in. </p>

<p><a href="http://students.berkeley.edu/admissions/freshmen.asp%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://students.berkeley.edu/admissions/freshmen.asp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>If you go to that link, youll see that 984 were actually admitted, although only 279 of them came to Berkeley.</p>

<p>^ well it used to be 11% admissions rate for out of staters in the 1990's (when I went to Berkeley). Most of the 1400 SAT scorers that got into Harvard that I know of lived in the Boston Area. They would definitely not have been able to get into Berkeley. I do not know why we have lowered our admissions standards in 2004 for out of state students. And I didn't know that until you said it. I will definitely speak with the proper channels to try to fix that situation.</p>

<p>That's a terrible idea. Out-of-staters are being encouraged for a good reason- money.</p>

<p>^ But if they are not coming, then why accept them?</p>

<p>The students of LA public schools were notorious for students picking Berkeley and UCLA over Columbia. So guess what Columbia did, they stopped accepting a lot of students in LA, especially from the high schools I am speaking about. </p>

<p>So... now with Villaraigosa as mayor, its time for California to have some more balls.</p>

<p>People put too much focus on admissions in determining the quality of a school. Berkeley is pretty damn selective, and it's quality is unquestionably equal to the Ivies. For a public school to have a name as big as the #1 ranked school in the world says something.</p>

<p>"An investigation by UC Regent John Moores also revealed Berkeley
accepted 400 students with sub-1000 SAT's. Such would NEVER happen at an ivy."</p>

<p>themegastud, i think that it have a lot to do with how phenominal the student is at a specific sport or some other activity, and maybe certain students with extremely difficult backgrounds got such scores at either institution. Perhaps some great students really just could not do well on the test. But do not think that the ivy league is void of such students altogether, please.</p>

<p>i'm confused and must have been misinformed. I thought that all out-of-state students can establish instate residency after 2 years, esp if they rent/buy property. what about students whose parents own a house in CA and pay taxes?</p>

<p>I know that on the Statement of Legal Residence it asks about where you and your parents are registered to vote, where you both pay taxes, what state your drivers licenses are in, etc. Theres more to it than just being in the state for a certain amount of time, but I dont know the specifics. Look on the Cal website for more info.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/10/23_admissions.shtml%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/10/23_admissions.shtml&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>quite obviously, they aren't bad students. 3.5 hours on a saturday morning only go so far.</p>

<li><p>Weighted GPA 4.44. Ranked by API 1 high school as valedictorian of class of 375. Governor’s scholar and president of national scholastic federation at the high school. Student cares for younger siblings (10 people in family) and works for no pay every weekend to help parents.</p></li>
<li><p>Weighted GPA 4.21. Student on honor roll and given Golden State Exam award recognition each year at the API 3 high school, in spite of immigration without basic English skills in middle school. Caretaking responsibilities for family members, with eight living in a one-bedroom room apartment. Has had to do homework in the bathroom in order to concentrate. With family income of $37,500, including student’s earnings, student has worked since age 15 to contribute to household bills and save for college. </p></li>
<li><p>Weighted GPA 4.36 at API 2 school. Student in top quintile of applicants to Berkeley for weighted and unweighted GPAs and number of honors courses. Participant in county academic decathlon and future teachers organization. President of California Scholarship Federation school chapter. Student learned English and another language growing up in a family with income under $13,000 and with neither parent having high school education.</p></li>

<p>" works for no pay every weekend to help parents."</p>

<p>Couldnt they have just said he helps out his parents</p>

<p>What does "API" mean?</p>

Most Asians from large public schools have to score at least 1500 to have a minimal chance at UCLA or Cal. Make that 1550+ for Cal.


<p>And why exactly is that? Affirmative action has been banned in UC for years, so surely you're not saying that the UC's are still holding Asians to a higher standard, they way they used to in the past? If you are, then that would be a major scandal because UC is forbidden by law to use race as a factor for admissions. You'd better go tell the newspapers about this. </p>

Try LA, OC, or SF, the competition is vastly different.


<p>Are you also accusing the UC's of 'geographic affirmative action'? </p>

but most employers would rather hire a sub-par 1000 SAT student from Berkeley than an Ivy because Berkeley is a much tougher school, and the graduates are top notch in terms of work ethic and job marketing skills.


<p>And what exactly is your evidence to support your assertion that employers will take a 1000-SAT student from Berkeley rather than a 1000-SAT student from an Ivy?</p>

Remember the average SAT best one sitting score at Princeton is only 1430.


<p>And how do you know this? Did Princeton publish this statistic? If so, how about a link?</p>

<p>I personally know ppl who have been accepted to Yale and Stanford but rejected by Berkeley (yes, the student was out of state)</p>

<p>"Most Asians from large public schools have to score at least 1500 to have a minimal chance at UCLA or Cal. Make that 1550+ for Cal."</p>

<p>I know I don't necessarily represent "most asians" from "large public schools" who get admitted to UC Berkeley, but as an Asian student who attended a large public school (2400 students), I definitely DID NOT get a score of 1550+. I applied w/ a score of 1250-- and after another take, I eventually got a score of 1330 and sent that to UC Berkeley</p>

<p>(although it was the january 2005 test, so I'm not sure if they ever counted it... probably did because I was one of those kids they asked to fill out a questionaire so, they were probably more willing to look at new info)</p>

<p>In addition, I made it very apparent that I was Asian-- I had a line of Vietnamese in my personal statement.</p>

<p>And to be completely honest, I feel that if UC Berkeley chose me over kids with higher scores and gpas (my weighted UC gpa was 3.9), they must have had a reason in doing so--i mean all achievements-- or lack of, should be taken into context of each situation.</p>

<p>Tupac's right, it's hard to get into UC Berkeley if you're out of state.</p>

<p>Yes, it does seem like that. It's also hard to get into instate.</p>

<p>It's hard to get in, period. I got a 1540 SAT and never assumed that I would get in. But it's doable. You don't have to be a sports star or do tons of research in 10th grade to get in. I was a kid in 10th grade, I didn't even shave. Though I probably should have, in retrospect...quite a bit of scruff...</p>

<p>My 1310 SAT got in. I'm not anything great, I don't do sports, I don't do research, I don't do ECs.</p>

<p>Again, the UC system is public education largely funded by California taxpayers, therefore the children of those taxpayers get priority, even if they are not as qualified as your out-of-state student.</p>

<p>By comparing percentages, you ignore the fact of which school gets more applicants. Berkeley has a limited budget, they can only admit so many students so no matter how many students apply, the roughly the same number will be accepted.</p>

<p>Basing the difficulty of being accepted to a school by percentages makes no sense.</p>

<p>As for merit/financial aid scholarship: Cal Bears which I've seen range all over the place. I have $7500, I saw someone else with $10000.</p>