<p>I'm concerned about my eligibility for UC Blue and Gold Opportunity grant that gave me almost $8k for the past year. This year, after my parents calculated their taxes and everything, their income came up to just a little bit less than 80k which should still make me eligible for the grant. However, if you add my income over the past year, it would be above 80k. My job is an on-campus job ran by the university. Would my income suddenly make me illegible for the grant. If so, should I just quit my job the following year because if I lose my grant again because of it, that 8k far exceeds how much I make in wages...</p>
<p>Your work-study income shouldn’t change your EFC on FAFSA, but I don’t know if that rule applies for qualifying for B&G. </p>
<p>You’ll need to call your school’s FA office to find out.</p>
<p>according to this web site, the $80k is the parent income, not student income</p>
<p>[UC</a> Berkeley Financial Aid Office: Undergraduates » Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan](<a href=“http://students.berkeley.edu/finaid/undergraduates/blueandgold.htm]UC”>http://students.berkeley.edu/finaid/undergraduates/blueandgold.htm)</p>
<p>@Mom2collegekids: It is not work-study wages unfortunately.</p>
<p>@Swimcatsmom: Thanks. That makes me feel a little bit better. I hope the UCB one applies to UCSC as well…</p>