UC chances

What are my chances with 4.33 weighted GPA unweighted GPA 3.82 Act score 34 and supplement writing 36.
Sat subject test bio molecular 800, math level ii 800 US history 790 French with listening 730
Senior Year classes: Ap chem, Ap physics, Ap calc bc, AP spanish compositon and literature, AP comp lit, AP micro/Ap gov,
To get into the UCs and which ones?

Also Chem Subject test 750

Aiming for biology major

Your weighted gpa and unweighted gpa are in line with the average for admits and those enrolled at UCLA. Your ACT score places you among the top 25% of admits and those enrolled at UCLA. I would say you have solid chances of getting admitted to UCLA and UC Berkeley based on your test score and gpa. I would place your chances at +50% possibly +60% chance of admission. You have to realize that admissions are holistic and that although your chances of admission are high it would never reach 100%, students with near perfect academic credentials are rejected for lacking other factors. Extracurriculars and your essay could make or break your application and most universities would rank students taking into consideration all factors.