UC Confirmation Emails?

<p>I still haven’t gotten an email from Santa Barbara…</p>

<p>Gotten my stuff from Davis. No Berkeley, LA, or Irvine…</p>

<p>MAYBE IT’S A SIGN :open_mouth: :open_mouth: </p>

<p>haha. naww. they’re just probably taking their time…and enjoying their holidays. </p>

<p>The UCs open back up on the 2nd. I guess that’s why.</p>

<p>I applied to UCD, UCI, UCSB, and UCB. I got confirmation from all schools except UCB.</p>

<p>I applied to UCLA on November 25th, my app was “forwarded” on November 30th, & I got my confirmation email from them on December 5th. Do you think the timing of sending emails has to do with majors? I applied as a musical theater major</p>

<p>I JUST received my Berkeley notification, so they should be out for everyone!</p>

<p>Still waiting on UCLA…</p>

<p>no emails from UCLA yet…is it a mistake…has everyone got any login info? Does UCLA have a portal login?</p>

<p>I got my UCLA e-mail about a few weeks ago. They even said something like 'it has come to our attention you did not receive the confirmation e-mail. Here is a copy of the original email". There’s no portal. Oh and I got the supplemental from UCLA a few days ago.</p>