<p>I want to transfer to UC Davis. So far, I have taken classes at American River College, Sacramento City College, and Cosumnes River College, three community colleges that make up the Los Rios Community College District. On Assist.org, a website which states which courses from the Los Rios Community College District articulate to UC Davis, the articulations are listed for Sacramento City College, Cosumnes River College, and American River College individually, but says nothing about whether or not a person has to take all of his courses at only one of the colleges at Los Rios District. I'm wondering if I would be still be able to transfer, despite taking courses at three different colleges in the Los Rios District. </p>
<p>As an example, I'm wondering about the civil engineering B.S. requirements to transfer to Davis. Assist.org says that CISP 360 is required for transferring to Davis from Cosumnes River College, but Assist.org says that for those transferring to Davis from Sacramento City College, one can take either CISP 360, or ENGWR 405; keep in mind that Assist.org ONLY lists CISP 360 for those transferring to Davis from Cosumnes River College. </p>
<p>I would prefer to take ENGR 405 more than CISP 360, but I've taken classes (e.g. Phys. 421, ENGR 420) at Cosumnes River College. If I take ENGR 405, will it still count toward transferring? Or am I limited to CISP 360 because I've taken courses at Cosumnes already? </p>
<p>In terms of whether ENGR 405 is accepted, it matters which college you take ENGR 405 at, not which college you take other courses at.</p>
<p>It looks like ENGR 405 is only listed for Sacramento City College because it is not offered at Cosumnes River College or American River College.</p>
<p>Ok, thanks for the reply.
So since Assist.org says that
the Civil Engineering B.S. requires
that transfer students from
Los Rios complete at least programming class,
(of which ENGR 405 and CISP 360 are the only
options) I would fulfill that requirement by taking
ENGR 405 at SCC? At the same time, the other
classes I’ve taken at Cosumnes and American
River would still fulfill the other requirements
listed on Assist.org, right? </p>
<p>I guess in general, I guess my question is:
Can the types of classes need to transfer from
Los Rios Community College District to
Davis (based upon the criteria of the ciivl engineering
B.S), such as programming, math, physics. etc., be taken
individually at different colleges in Los Rios and still count toward
transferring? For example, would the following
decisions successfully fulfill the transfer requirements to Davis? </p>
<p>Take Phys. 411 at Cosumnes, Phys. 430 at Sac. City,
and Phys. 421 at Cosumnes, to fulfill my physics requirements.</p>
<p>Then, Take ENGR 420 at Cosumnes, ENGR 405 at Sac. City,
and the other ENGR courses at Cosumnes, to fulfill the
engineering requirements? </p>
<p>thanks, very much for your valuable evaluations!</p>
<p>To answer your question, yes you can take the individual classes at different colleges as long as the course itself at the school you are taking the course at mentions the class equivalence on Assist.</p>
<p>Yes you can do a situation where you take one physics class in one college, and another physics class in another. However, they do prefer you complete a science series in the same college. It’s not necessary, and taking them at different colleges will count, but they still prefer if a series is completed in the same college.</p>
<p>Mixing and matching courses in a series among CCs in the same district that have the same courses should be less of an issue compared to doing it in CCs where the topics in the series may be distributed differently among the courses in the series (especially if one CC is semester and another is quarter).</p>