UC Davis Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

Thanks! I was really hopeful it would be today since the last 2 years were both Thursdays. But now I’m guessing tomorrow.

You rock! Cool info! :sunglasses:

So based upon this, if I was heading to Vegas and there was a betting line on the UCD xfer admissions date, I’m putting all of my chips on April 22! : - )



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accepted! poli sci major


Congrats! I was waitlisted which is honestly better than I expected Bc I was missing major prep

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Accepted as a Stats Major. How do I know if I’m a Regents Scholar? Does it say in the Admission Letter or do we need to check our Financial Aid Awards?

Error. Will post on different thread.

DS accepted for History, he was a TAG approval so we kind of already knew but so nice to have final confirmation :slight_smile:

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Lmao I got accepted as Nutrition Major with 3.1 GPA

Daughter accepted to Poli Sci at Davis & UCSB Tag, rejected at CAL 3.7


Officially official! See you lot at Picnic Day mañana!


Denied as Mechanical Engineer 3.93, I was missing chem for major prep lol

where is she planning to go?

Accepted polisci
1 year CC transfer
3.85 GPA at time of applying
Strong essays
A lot of ECs, leadership positions, volunteer work and created a program w a nonprofit, and worked full time during Fall semester

other stats if they matter:
1490 SAT
5s & 4s on AP exams
Top 10% of graduating HS class
4.6 W/ 3.9 UW hs gpa

Accepted: UC Berkeley, UMich, UCSB, UCI, UCD, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly SLO, Tulane (offered 17k presidential scholarship)

Rejected: sdsu

Waiting for decision: UCLA, UCSD

Accepted Managerial Economics
1 Year CC Transfer
Worked part time, had internship over the summer

Accepted: UCI, UCD (TAG)

Rejected: UCB

Kinda crazy that you’re accepted into all of these impressive schools yet denied at SDSU. Not that SDSU isn’t a good school, but I had no idea that it on the same level academically as the other schools that you were accepted at.

I guess that I’m learning that the CSUs massively favor local transfers vs. the UCs that essentially treat all California CC students equally.

haha thank you. i think sdsu was also influenced by the fact that my cc didn’t verify my ADT, even though I said it would be completed during Spring since I’m currently taking the last required class