UC Davis Fall 2022: Transfer Thread

They said today AND over the weekend 100%. Unless the person I talked to knew nothing. They also had to ask their supervisor, so If neither of them knew there is seriously something wrong with the whole system

Most of the people who answer the phones are student workers.

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I guess it was wrong, she asked others but I guess itā€™s easy to say anything. Ah, more waiting!

Iā€™m not saying that student workers donā€™t know what they are doing, just that it is probably why they asked a supervisor.

The Ms. Sun blog now says UCD transfer decisions r likely April 22.

Iā€™d think that within the undergrad admissions office they have additional motivation to wrap this up before Picnic Day next Saturday, April 23rd.

All signs point to 4/22, but weā€™ll see.

That sucks we have to wait a whole week. Just ready for everything to be over and settled already.


So If you TAGed, and got the picnic invite. Is that safe to assume accepted?

Picnic Day is open to the public, so I donā€™t think that it has anything to do with weather or not youā€™re accepted.

The TAG, from everything that Iā€™ve read, is just that- a guarantee. If you do ā€œXā€, youā€™re accepted as a junior. UCD does a good job outlining those stipulations. You need to finish your CC with 60 credit hours and a minimum 3.2 GPA or you can lose it. Otherwiseā€¦ maintain the minimum standard GPA, get the right amount of hours and required prerequisite course work and youā€™re in.

All said, weā€™ve never done this before so you cannot help but to think, ā€œdid I miss something?ā€ Iā€™m really thinking though that this Friday is *the day * theyā€™ll officially roll out with decisions.

Well, this is starting to drive our family a bit crazy. My D called undergrad admissions today and they were very cryptic about all of this, simply saying that theyā€™ll announce in ā€œlate Aprilā€ and to check the portal.

We continue to think that it will come out before Picnic Day, but the fact that weā€™ve not gotten anything concrete is annoying beyond belief. Other UCs have been much more clear-cut on this.

Does anybody know if the xfer admissions have ever been posted after Picnic Day?

I hate the waiting also (even though my son also had his TAG approved). Last year decisions came out on Thursday 4/22 which was Earth Day. This Friday 4/22 is also Earth Day so seems likely. The year before last they came out on 4/16. So I strongly suspect it wonā€™t be next week. But what do I knowā€¦lol.

Yes, transfer decisions have posted after Picnic Day on a number of occassions.

Iā€™m worried theyā€™re waiting till after Picnic Day. :worried: All their Instagram stuff is about the Picnic so it kinda makes sense theyā€™d switch gears to transfers after the Picnic social media blitz is over. Ugh! I sure hope Iā€™m wrong.

I canā€™t vouch for the accuracy of these dates, but I found this list (source: Admission Notification Dates for UC Transfer Applicants 2020):

If the above is accurate, then Transfer Decisions came out AFTER Picnic Day in the following years (source: https://localwiki.org/davis/Picnic_Day):

2019 (Picnic Day was April 13 that year)
2018 (Picnic Day was April 21 that year)
2016 (Picnic Day was April 16 that year)

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thanks for the infoā€¦

Well, D has the TAG, fulfilling the requirements so I suppose we should have zero reason to stress out about it. As they sayā€¦ ā€œcontrol the controllableā€ and this is 100% out of everyone on this boardā€™s control (unless thereā€™s someone from UCD admissions lurking and in that case, release the damn decisions this week!!!)


Looks like results in 2021 and 2020 came out on a Thursday but before that is was generally a Friday. So maybe today, but maybe tomorrow. Just want the formal ā€œyouā€™re inā€ email for my son. The TAG approval came so long ago, weā€™ve forgotten how exciting that wasā€¦lol.

UCSB was last to release last year and 1st now as of 2 hours ago.

UCSC, UCI, UCR and UC Merced have all already released so UCSB isnā€™t 1st I donā€™t think. Still to go are UC Davis, UCSD, UCLA and Cal.


Last year UCSD was the last to release, not UCSB.

Before anyone asks, yes, I do have better things to do with my time, but no, I am not doing them at the momentā€¦

Just because thatā€™s how I roll, I went ahead and double-checked the recent history of UC Davis decision releases and made a little table: