UC Davis or Cal Poly SLO?

Hey everyone!
I was admitted to Cal Poly SLO in early March and have committed and paid my deposit for housing and meal plan (since it’s first come first serve). I also opted in for the waitlist at UC Davis.

Both schools were very high on my list when I applied. I’ve visited UC Davis and Cal Poly SLO more than once and I love the social aspect at both colleges. The location also doesn’t make a difference to me.

I want to do something in the field of UI/UX. I know there isn’t a major exactly geared towards UI/UX so I tried to choose a major that would best prepare me for the field.

What I am really torn about is the academic part of both schools. I know that both are really great schools, but I applied for different majors. At Cal Poly SLO, I am a graphic communications major and I plan to minor in Computer Science or Psychology. At UC Davis, I applied for Cognitive Science Department, hoping to do Cognitive Science with a Computational Emphasis. I’m not sure which major is better for the field I want to be in, so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

I have also heard that Cal Poly SLO is really good about getting students internships and jobs, which is really important. How great is UC Davis at getting jobs and internships for students?

I know I haven’t gotten off the waitlist for UC Davis yet, but I want to be prepared since I might have to make the decision later on. Which do you guys think is the better school to go to? Should I swallow the deposit fee for CPSLO and choose UC Davis if I get in? Or should I just stick to CPSLO?

Thank you so much!

Not sure what you are asking since you have been only admitted to SLO at this point. Love the school that loves you back and commit all your efforts to enjoying your time at SLO.

Thanks! I apologize, I pressed post when I wasn’t finished :frowning: … I have edited it so hopefully you can see everything now! Thanks for your comment

I am also someone that likes to be prepared, but there is no way to know if you will get off the waitlist so I would focus on SLO at this point and face the decision of UCD vs SLO if that opportunity presents itself. I think there is no wrong decision here, both are great schools. I cannot give you any advice regarding the specific field you plan to pursue but as long as you take advantage of any opportunities that are available, you will be successful.

Best of luck.