<p>Hello, I am currently a senior in high school and I have been accepted to both UC Davis and Loyola Marmount University in California.
I LOVE LMU's campus, but the tuition is around $32,000 opposed to Davis, which would cost me around $8,500 per year. I am visiting both campuses again next month (I have not visited Davis yet). However, LMU has offered me an opportunity to join the Student Worker Program, which would pay $26,000 of the tuition per year. I have an interview this Saturday!!! So the costs would be somewhat equal..</p>
<p>I applied as a communications major for both campuses but plan to change later on. I am not sure what I want to do, but I was wondering which campus is better and which campus would I benefit most from? I am a first generation college student so this is all new to me! Please be honest and leave as many helpful tips and information as possible!
Thank you!</p>
<p>Well, well, well, I do have some thoughts given that my cousin, niece, and DS2 went to Davis and DS3 is presently at LMU. Congrats on your admission to both! The schools really are night and day as far as the ambiance. UC Davis is massive and the key to success is finding a home base of support fast. It is easy to get lost in the shuffle of such a massive place and feel very alone. If you are an athlete, there are lots of support structures built in for you, but if you are not, you must seek them out so you stay on top of your academics, which are VERY challenging at Davis. Another issue with many of the UCs at present, although this may start changing since we now have some money going into the UCs and CSUs for the first time in years, is that you should compare the 4 year graduation rates. It is VERY difficult to graduate in 4 years with all of your courses because of the $ issues the UCs have faced. If you have to factor in a 5th year, recognize the cost is far more than 4 years at many private universities. Now, to LMU. DS3 was accepted at the massive UCSD. He ended up selecting Boston College for his freshman year last year, but transferred from BC to LMU this fall because he is a film guy and wanted to be in LMU’s School of Film and TV. He is in love with the university on every level. I have been repeatedly impressed with the personal attention he gets from EVERYONE–the faculty, the staff in various offices–everywhere. As a private, Jesuit institution, there is a a consistent message of “men and women for others”–of raising up leaders for lives of service. He tells me all the time how friendly everyone is. Courses are no cake-walk, however. BC is really tough, and he has found LMU equally difficult. They do not give away grades. That said, he can meet with professors any time and get help. As you can likely gather, I like both universities, but you need to be aware of how to plan for success if you go to Davis. My recommendation is you go to both accepted student days and really drill down everyone so you find the best fit for you. If I can put you in touch with any of my family, just PM me! </p>
<p>Thank you so much for the advice! The interview went well at LMU, I was just a bit nervous
Do you know if it is difficult to change majors at both campuses? </p>
<p>Sorry I’m delayed in responding. At any university it will depend on the major and whether it is impacted or not. For example, in the School of Film and Television, it is not impossible, but nearly impossible to transfer in from a different school at LMU. UCD will be the same with certain programs. It is best to ask your admissions people about your specific interests and whether you can change once admitted. </p>